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INTERVIEW: Teodrose Fikremariam on US 2020 Elections and the Ethiopia reboot

21WIRE | Why are party politics failing America? Where will Africa be in 10 years? Answers to all of these questions and more in this powerful interview segment.

Episode #271 – ‘Killing the Constitution’ with guest Teodrose Fikre and more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

An Open Letter to Ilhan Omar, the Lioness Who Entered the Halls of Hyenas

Teodrose Fikre | I hope you choose defiance over political expedience.

Zionist Caucus’s ‘Political Lynching’ of US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Teodrose Fikre | Why a first generation immigrant from Somalia who represents the quintessential American story, is being ripped apart by those determined to intimidate anyone who dares tspeaking truth to power.

Rep. Omar’s Dilemma: AIPAC, Zionism and Weaponized Identity Politics

Teodrose Fikre | While still taboo in US politics, the issue of Israeli undo influence is being trust into view – and The Lobby are pushing back harder than ever.

Dancing Queen and Motherf****r – How They Make Fools of US

Teodrose Fikre | Trump and AOC are two sides of the same coin – both custom-made for the American media machine. Meanwhile, the world is still burning.

Russiagate, Memes and Pokemon Ads: Is Our ‘Democracy’ Really That Fragile?

Teodrose Fikre | The problem with our elections is not outside interference – it’s inside corruption. Don’t let the media or political class tell you otherwise.

An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders: ‘No Bernie, It Wasn’t the Russians’

Teodrose Fikre | They say there are no heroes when it comes to politics, and you’re proving this theorem every time time you latch on to the ‘Russian interference’ narrative.

20 Things to Remember About Russia’s Takeover of the USA…

Teodrose Fikre | How much longer are we going to abide their continued maliciousness.

When Hollywood Makes a Mockery of Our Debt Servitude

Teodrose Fikre | Take a good look around: we are lurching back to the days of feudalism where the aristocracy used surfs as their property and personal entertainment.

Illusion of ‘The Outsider’: Why Ocasio-Cortez Won’t Fix Our Broken Two Party Duopoly

Teodrose Fikre | Don’t fall for the merry-go-round of personalities who keep being unleashed to sheepdog voters back to this two-party racket.

A Message to Technophiles: The iZombie Apocalypse is Upon US

Teodrose Fikre | Coming to grips with being confined to an LCD screen and shepherded to only interact with people who have world views just like us.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue