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A Ray of Sunshine: Lessons from the 20th Century Flu Pandemic

21WIRE + Dr. Richard Hobday | There are some things no government can shut down because of a coronavirus – sunlight and fresh air.

Paparazzi & Propaganda: Infamous Paparazzo Legend Charlie Pycraft Tells All -JaysAnalysis (Half)

Jay Dyer | With both wild and entertaining stories, Mr. Pycraft shares his unique insights on fake and staged news, PR manufactured events, psychological operations, the UK hack and crack scandal and more.

Understanding the Risk of Solar Flares to Our Planet

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | There’s a loophole in the normally benign relationship we have with the sun – and it could be of concern.

Comet ISON break-up: What could happen on Dec 16th in South Africa

Dahboo77 | All the world’s leaders are in South Africa, near its huge Sun Temple. Who will attend this ritual and why?

Laptop ‘destroyed to hide story’ about illegally obtained Saddam Hussein underpants image

More Leveson positioning… questions now raised over picture of former dictator published by Murdoch’s Sun and New York Post By Dan Sabbagh and Lisa O’Carroll A Labour MP has told parliament he believes that a laptop was destroyed to eliminate evidence that a photograph of Saddam Hussein pictured in his underpants was obtained illegally – a picture of the former […]

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