Rachel Marsden | Unfortunately for Europe, Algiers has long maintained an officially nonaligned position, and isn’t too keen on throwing itself into the arms of the West.
Tracking key political, economic, and military developments around one of Europe's most instrumental domestic and international state actors...
EU Wants Gas From Algeria, As Washington Plays Wicked Stepmother
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton on EU Energy Crisis and France’s ‘Green’ Deception
TNT Radio | The blueprint for ‘disintegrating’ the global economy in preparation for a digital currency and globalist technocracy – all courtesy of the Trilateral Commission.
Chaos By Design: The Roots of the EU Energy Crisis and France’s ‘Green’ Deception
Freddie Ponton | They want a dark winter. The time to pushback is now.
Ukraine Sells France’s CAESAR Howitzer Guns on Black Market to Russians for $120K Each
Freddie Ponton | Another disastrous weapons transfer by NATO.
Desperate EU Leaders Attempting to Fast-Track Ukraine Candidate Status
21WIRE | European leaders are now lobbying to allow Kiev to jump the queue for membership to the superstate.
ONE HEALTH – Globalist Path to a One World Order
Freddie Ponton | An introduction to a fully globalized control system which uses ‘public health’ and the environment as the mechanisms to control humanity.
Are France and NATO Shipping Depleted Uranium Weaponry Into Ukraine?
Freddie Ponton | The evidence is everywhere: vast amounts of deadly material is very likely being shipped into Ukraine – and the damage will not be contained there.
French Polls Show Show Marine Le Pen Surging Towards Incumbent Macron
21WIRE | Macron is struggling to make headway in campaign, and may be looking at the defeat in the upcoming election.
McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government and the Rise of the Corporate State
Freddie Ponton | A silent coup d’état has taken place in the heart of Europe, and the implications are global in nature.
France Sports Minister Seeks to Ban Djokovic from Competing in French Open
21WIRE | French officials are threatening to ban the world’s top player from their grand slam tournament.
Macron: Calls Unvaxxed ‘Non-Citizens’ – Vows to “Piss Them Off”
21WIRE | The floundering French leader unleashed a scathing rant against the unvaccinated, blaming them for all of the nation’s ills.
CrossTalk: End of Year Q&A with guests Patrick Henningsen and Glenn Diesen
CrossTalk | Some of the burning questions from 2021 and 2022 with host Peter Lavelle with guests Glenn Diesen and Patrick Henningsen.
France Slashes Vaccine Booster Interval to Just THREE Months
21WIRE | A strategy of endless vaccines for endless variants is being used by governments in order to keep vaccine passport policies in place.
UKC News: ‘France Rebels, Australia Folds to Vaccine Authoritarianism’
UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen bring you the end of week news round-up.
France’s Macron Gets His Face Slapped on Eve of Country’s Regional Elections
21WIRE | Political tensions have burst at the seams after multiple COVID-inspired lockdowns of the French people.
French Vaxx Center ‘Mistakenly’ Injects 140 People With Normal Saline Solution
21WIRE | Who else has gotten the ‘salt’ shot?
Germany, France and Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Experimental Vaccine
21WIRE | Governments, mainstream media and Big Pharma are now in full damage control mode.
France Accused of Hysteria Over ‘COVID Variant’ After Nearly 15,000 Truckers Tested Negative
21WIRE | The UK have no right to accuse France of over-reacting – when it was Britain’s own government and media who invented the false story in the first place.
Epstein Case: Federal Judge Denies $28.5 million Bail for Ghislaine Maxwell
21WIRE | Maxwell complaining her time in jail feels “oppressive,” while federal prosecutors say she’s actually got it easy.