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RFK Jr Senate Hearings Reveal a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Peggy Hall | It seems that RFK Jr’s moral compass is spinning like broken weathervane.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘NATO Pushes Vaccines in Europe’

TNT Radio | NATO’s central role in the ‘plandemic’, and comments on the recent coup d’etat in Gabon.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – NATO’s ‘Warp Speed’ Vaccine Disaster in Europe

TNT Radio | NATO’s coordinated ‘military response’ to the COVID-19 pandemic: vaccinating Europe with a military-grade experimental biodefense countermeasure.

Are COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ a Military Biodefense Response Gone Terribly Wrong?

Freddie Ponton | We now have definitive proof that the Covid response was never about ‘public health.’

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue