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ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Crowley, Secret Agent 666 & Shambhala w/Dr. Richard Spence

picJay Dyer
21st Century Wire

Dr. Richard Spence, author of Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult and Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly, joined me to cover the fascinating material in his historical espionage works. Seeking to uncover the real Crowley and who his handler might have been, Dr. Spence demonstrates how Crowley’s mystical journeys might have had a more pragmatic, covert operational design.

From there we cover the infamous Hess flight and what it really may have signified, as well as Bolshevik occultists and the true mysteries of Shambhala, sought by all: British, German and Russian esotericists (and spies!).


READ MORE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood Files

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Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day.  Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric, JaysAnalysis and his podcast, “Esoteric Hollywood,” investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.



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