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In the 21st century, WikiLeaks represents one the purest forms of press outlets - they receive information, vet it, curate for suitable presentation, and then publish it. Because of their success and perfect 10 year track record on accuracy, they are now being targeted for closure by the United States government and its allies. Why? Because WikiLeaks exposed US war crimes, and much more. Read about how this organization is on the front line of the battle to preserve free speech in the West, and why helping to defend WikiLeaks also protects the future of a 4th Estate as a functioning pillar of democracy...

REPORTS: Julian Assange Health Condition is Critical, ‘Slow Kill’ by British Authorities

21WIRE | Lawyers: “The decision of prison authorities to move him to the health ward speaks for itself.”

Abuses Show Assange Case Was Never About Law

21WIRE | Jonathan Cook examines how law has been weaponized to persecute Julian Assange

INTERVIEW: Joe Lauria explains Assange indictments and US Espionage Act

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Why this federal move threatens to redefine the relationship between free press and the state.

Episode #281 – ‘The Illusion of Justice’ with guests Joe Lauria, Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Assange Indictment: US Department of Justice Declares ‘War on Journalism’

21WIRE | Finally, media watchdog and rights groups are beginning to push back against the DOJ’s new authoritarian power grab.

Henningsen: ‘Assange Indictment Could Affect All Media Outlets, Globally’

21WIRE | DOJ indictment follows a familiar pattern of politicized indictments conjured by US government to control the global information space.

Trump’s Attack on First Amendment: Julian Assange Charged Under Espionage Act

Defend WikiLeaks | The US Dept of Justice has finally gone for broke, waging an all-out assault on the First Amendment.

Britain’s ‘Media Freedom’ is Smokescreen to Hide the Persecution of Journalists Who Expose War Crimes

Nina Cross | Jeremy Hunt’s media freedom campaign is a useful deflection from the British government’s war on Assange and its increasingly hostile and repressive stance towards journalists.

Chelsea Manning Defiant, Sent to Jail Again for Refusing to Incriminate Assange

21WIRE | US authorities continue their policy of coercion and punishment in order to compel Manning to help fabricate a new ‘conspiracy’ case against Assange.

Assange Plea to Pamela Anderson: ‘Save My Life’

21WIRE + Der Spiegel | More evidence that Assange may be in danger of not surviving this long-running ordeal.

Henningsen: ‘Sweden Reopening Assange Case is Like Triple Jeopardy’

Patrick Henningsen | Discussing the far-reaching legal implications of first Ecuador’s, and now Britain’s handover of Assange to the international criminal cartel.

Sweden Caves to US-UK Pressure, Reopens Assange Sex Case a Third Time

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | It appears Sweden wasted no time in caving to pressure by the U.S. and U.K. – exploiting sexual allegations for political agenda.

Julian Assange: The UK, Sweden and the ‘Illusion of Justice’

Nina Cross | The trapping of Assange has relied upon the immoral use of the prosecuting services by the UK government, and the illusion that ‘Assange had a choice.’

Press Conference: Kristinn Hrafnsson & Pamela Anderson visit Julian Assange at Belmarsh Prison

Ruptly | Impromptu address outside of maximum security Belmarsh Prison in Southeast London.

#Unity4J: Joe Lauria & Patrick Henningsen Discuss Assange US Extradition Case

21WIRE | A full breakdown of discuss the incarceration and illegal detention of Assange, along with his recent US extradition hearing at in London.

Assange Supporters, Yellow Vests Block Traffic at U.S. Extradition Hearing in London

21WIRE | “Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning are on trial on behalf of us.”

‘Imperialism on Trial – Free Julian Assange’ hosted by George Galloway

21WIRE | Julian Assange supporters gather in central London for a powerhouse lineup of speakers hosted by George Galloway.

Revealed: The British Government’s War on Assange and Media Freedom

Nina Cross | A look at the various legal and soft power tools used by the British government in its war against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

Never Forget: The Towering Exposure of Hillary Clinton by Assange and WikiLeaks

Sheila Coombes | A fact which Libyans and Syria know all too well: Clinton as “someone who’s eaten alive” by her ambitions.

Why Julian Assange’s War is Our War Too

Paul Mansfield | Everyone needs to understand that the case of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is a defining moment for western democracy.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue