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Venezuela Files

The South American country of Venezuela is currently a target of regime change by the US, and its allies. While the western media and the CIA work hand-in-hand to demonize the government in Caracas, international financiers are draining the country of its liquidity, as well as engineering shortages of essential goods and services. Will Venezuela be able to withstand the financial, diplomatic and media propaganda pressures which has been placed upon it? Learn more about Venezuela from dozens of articles and videos here in our archives at 21WIRE...

Amnesty International: Pernicious Liars and Empire’s Little Helpers

Tortilla con Sal | The destructive, catastrophic effects of Amnesty International’s role in supporting neocolonialism

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The War on Democracy’ (2007)

SUNDAY SCREENING | For 20 years, the CIA has waged a covert war against the country of Venezuela.

Trump Isn’t Going to Invade Venezuela, But What US is Planning Could Be Much Worse

Andrew Korybko | It’s clear the US are actively working to overthrow the gov’t in Caracas, but it’s still not clear whether or not they will succeed.

Familiar Pattern: The West’s Marginalization of Venezuela

Daniel Margrain | The western media’s characterization of Venezuela’s president Maduro as a dictator, follows a familiar pattern.

Empire Strikes Back: Destructive, Dishonest Neocolonialism Targets Venezuela

Neil Clark | Imagine if the Venezuelan government had been bankrolling anti-government protestors in America?

Bolivia’s Evo Morales Declares ‘Total Independence’ from World Bank & IMF

21WIRE + TeleSUR | Morales is not shy about articulating the nature of the geopolitical threat.

The Western ‘Justice’ System: Based on a “Might makes Right” Mafia Ideology

Andre Vltchek | In a world ruled by brutal and unbridled imperialism, the only honorable place to dwell in is jail

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Mi Amigo Hugo’ (2014)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Who was the real Hugo Chavez?

McMaster Calls For ‘Quick, Peaceful Solution’ Needed In Venezuela

Rachael Boothroyd-Rojas + VenezuelAnalysis | What McMaster ‘calls for’ and what the United States ‘wants’, could well be two different things.

ASSAD: Trump Is A Puppet of US Deep State

teleSUR + Syria Times | Rolando Segura of Venezuelan teleSUR TV interviews Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad from Damascus on numerous topics.

Fake News Fail: Venezuelan Government Finally Orders Shutdown of CNN for Bogus and Misleading Reports

21WIRE + RT | The Venezuelan government’s patience for CNN’s fake news finally ran out this week.

Fidel Castro Dies at the Age of 90 – An Uncertain Future for Cuba Still Beckons

21WIRE | What will happen between the United States and Cuba now?

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The War On Democracy’

SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s featured documentary reveals the methods of the CIA’s economic hitmen.

US Denies WikiLeaks Reveal of Plot To Topple Bolivian President Evo Morales

TeleSUR | Bolivia says it is launching a thorough investigation into revelations made public by a WikiLeaks report.

21WIRE DOC SERIES: ‘The War On Democracy’ by John Pilger

21DOCS | What you will see in this film is shocking, and a lesson for humanity.

President Obama Officially Declares Venezuela Threat to ‘US National Security’

TeleSur/Tony Seed | The war of words has now escalated beyond words.

Venezuela BANS ‘Terrorists’ Bush and Cheney

21WIRE + RT | This is quite the statement. Will further world leaders follow suit?

Venezuela Coup Timeline: Plotters Paid in US Dollars, Planned to Assassinate President and Install De Facto Regime

Global Research/TeleSur | Coup plotters planned to create chaos in the streets nationwide, and have pro-US operatives sweep into power under cover of civil unrest.

REVEALED: Both Britain and Canada Were Involved in Foiled Venezuelan Coup Plot

Stephen Lendman | Washington’s war on democracy – dirty hands manipulate violence and instability worldwide.

Venezuela: Troubled Waters Tainted By the Manipulation of Oil Prices

Dave Truman | Since the fall in oil prices, Venezuela has been forced to cut social spending and fend of a coup d’etat.

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