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Delving deeper into the world of America's unexpected chief executive who, for better or worse, is actively reshaping US and international political conventions...


Iran: Power Politics Behind America’s March to War

Sheila Coombes | New proposals would effectively sidestep US sanctions on Iranian trade, and effectively sidelining the US dollar.

Iran Announces it Will Stop Complying with Nuclear Deal, Plans to Resume Enrichment

21WIRE | It seems that Iran is now calling Trump and Netanyahu’s bluff. Expect tensions to escalate.

‘Trump Shtetl’: Netanyahu pledges to Name Illegal Golan Settlement After US President

21WIRE | Embattled PM repays the US President for helping to swing the recent Israeli elections in his favor.

Shock or Not? Pompeo says ‘No Military Intervention in Iran’, but does he mean It?

21WIRE | Trump and his hawks could lose big if put to an electoral referendum on this issue.

Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan Will Likely Give Israel All It Wants, Palestinians Nothing

Antiwar.com | Saying that the peace plan is going to “stop short of Palestinian statehood” is putting it mildly.

Syrians Unite in Mass Protest Against Trump’s Golan Heights Decree

Al Masdar News | More protests expected as Syrians take to the streets to demonstrate against Trump’s Israeli land grab.

#RussiaGate: ‘The Biggest Political Hoax in US History’

Patrick Henningsen | Amazingly, millions of Americans had actually convinced themselves that Moscow was the reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Now That Russiagate is Dead, What’s Next for the #Resistance?

21WIRE | What will become of this lucrative cottage industry after the coming collapse of Mueller’s partisan folly?

How the Russiagate Hoax Has Led to the ‘Sovietization of America’

Dr Stephen F Cohen | In the era of Russiagate, American mainstream media, think tanks, Silicon Valley and government agencies – are all practicing censorship by systematically erasing any challenge their orthodox narrative.

Top Ten MSM ‘Trump-Russia’ Fake News Stories & Their Method of Dissemination

21WIRE + The Intercept | The volume a fraudulent news stories on Trump-Russia has now reached a critical mass, and the Establishment’s method is now clearer than ever.

‘What about the Kurds?!’ Getting a Proper Grip on Turks, Americans & Kurds in Syria

Dr Can Erimtan | Most Americans have no idea who ‘The Kurds’ are and how they rose to prominence in the US foreign policy matrix. Understanding their politics and history is essential in understanding Turkey’s deeper motivations in Syria.

Cohen: ‘What Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Really Means’

Dr Stephen F. Cohen | It’s now clear that no foreign-policy initiative undertaken by President Trump, however wise, will ever be accepted by the establishment.

Ron Paul: Trump’s Neocons Reverse His Syria Withdrawal Plan

Dr. Ron Paul | President Trump’s statement on the troop pull-out is looking more like empty words, rather than US policy.

Dancing Queen and Motherf****r – How They Make Fools of US

Teodrose Fikre | Trump and AOC are two sides of the same coin – both custom-made for the American media machine. Meanwhile, the world is still burning.

Trump’s Latest Hedge on US Withdrawal from Syria is Only Postponing the Inevitable

Peter Ford | We can expect to see bluster, smoke screens, and reversals on all sides in the coming days but ultimately the US will have to leave.

There is broad international support for US withdrawal from Syria – but will Washington listen?

Open Letter | UK network of concerned parliamentarians, senior clerics, former ambassadors and academics believe the time is now to bring peace and stability back to Syria.

JATRAS: ‘It’s Time for US to Cut Loose Our Useless So-Called Allies’

James Jatras | Does America actually have any real allies, or merely client states?

NBC Whistleblower Breaks Rank: ‘Network is ‘Pro-War, Around the Clock Anti-Trump Hysteria’

21WIRE | Another high profile whistleblower resigns over mainstream media’s deliberate fake news agenda.

Russiagate, Memes and Pokemon Ads: Is Our ‘Democracy’ Really That Fragile?

Teodrose Fikre | The problem with our elections is not outside interference – it’s inside corruption. Don’t let the media or political class tell you otherwise.

‘Time to Leave’: Iraq Exercises Sovereignty as MPs Call for Withdrawal of US Troops

21WIRE | The political situation in Iraq with regards to the ongoing US occupation is reaching a critical stage now.

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