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Oligarch Bloomberg Gets Hammered in His First Democratic Debate

21WIRE | Bloomberg’s $500 million campaign spending just flew right out the window last night.

Trump, Boris, Harry Dunn Tragedy, Huawei & 5G

Patrick Henningsen | Will this affect the US and Britain’s legendary ‘special relationship’?

Andre Vltchek on Duterte and Why Philippines Defied Trump and Embraced China

21WIRE | Will Duterte survive after breaking with so many long-standing institutions and policies?

Basil Valentine: Identity Politics & How PC Culture is Destroying Our Discourse

Basil Valentine | The weaponization of identity politics is ruining public discourse in America and Europe, as politics is no longer a forum for debate, only ultimatums.

Sanders Surges Into Double-Digit Lead Nationally in New Poll

21WIRE | Panic is already beginning to set in with Democratic Party elites, as DNC strategy of ‘pushing Bernie out’ is failing badly.

US Middle East ‘Peace Deal’ is Designed to Perpetuate Conflict

Tony Cartalucci | The US proposal proves how the US is not an honest broker and that the current process posing as pursuing ‘peace’ should be dismantled.

Pilger: Julian Assange Must Be Freed, Not Betrayed

John Pilger | If there is any sense of justice left in the land of Magna Carta, then Assange’s case should be thrown out of court. The world is watching.

To Democrats Who Back Bloomberg: ‘Did you learn nothing from Hillary?’

21WIRE + WashPo | Clearly, oligarch Michael Bloomberg wasn’t paying much attention in 2016.

Airbrushing Assange: The Guardian’s ‘Press Freedom’ Farce

21WIRE | Given the chance, mainstream press outlets will bow in full compliance to the national security state.

‘Media Freedom’ Campaign Pushes Magnitsky Sanctions – But Ignores Case of Julian Assange

Nina Cross | Unraveling the deception behind the Magnitsky sanctions, now being promoted by a panel of ‘media freedom’ experts.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Back to Fukushima’ (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Residents torn about whether to return to their homes after a nuclear meltdown.

Episode #315 – ‘Trump, Duterte and China’ with guests Andre Vltchek and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

What’s Really Driving Countries Like Turkey and India to Buy Russian S-400s?

21WIRE | Why is everyone so interested in this Russian weapons system?

Buttigieg Begins Experiencing LGBT Backlash in U.S.

21WIRE | Despite his own political identity, Mayor Pete can’t seem to win-over his core own demographic.

Boris Johnson Cancels Planned Trip to White House After Trump Hangs-up Over Harry Dunn and Huawei

21WIRE | Will disagreements over these two important issues threaten the ‘special relationship’?

Erdogan’s ‘Turkish Twist’ Risks Wider War in Syria and Middle East

21WIRE.TV | It seems Turkey and Syria are moving closer to all-out war, but is it too late for this crisis be walked-back?

US Shoot and Kill 14 year old Syrian Boy in Al-Hasakah

21WIRE | US offers no remorse for killing of boy, sending a very negative message across Syria – one that will not help the US with its illegal occupation.

OPCW Scandal: Scott Ritter on How History Repeated Itself with Syria

21WIRE | Upon examination, the official OPCW report from Douma does not represent the reality on the ground.

London Attack: Another Sacrificial ‘Known Wolf’ in War on Terror

Tony Cartalucci | This latest incident in London was so entirely preventable that it is difficult to describe it as anything less than deliberate.

VIDEO: Why Turkey’s Position in Syria is Increasingly Problematic

Patrick Henningsen | Erdogan’s game of backgammon in Syria is unsustainable, as is the game being played by US.

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