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Basil Valentine: Identity Politics & How PC Culture is Destroying Our Discourse

In EP 315 of the SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen is joined by SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss how weaponized identity politics is ruining public discourse in America and Europe and how politics is no longer a forum for debate – it’s where special interest groups issue ultimatums, which invariably opens the door for more oppression as undemocratic forces enter the vacuum created by censorship. It has definitely destroyed the UK Labour Party with the establishment’s ‘antisemitism’ witch-hunt which continues to disable normal discourse, as political identity rules the roost. Over in the US, the odds are shortening up for Bernie Sanders for his party’s 2020 nomination, while all of the DNC elite’s favorites are struggling to connect with normal Americans. Listen:

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