21st Century Wire says…
On a recent episode of The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen, guest Basil Valentine asked Patrick for his analysis on the Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton primary race, and what ensued was a poignant discussion about a deeper issue – voter and election fraud.
PH: “It’s a tight race. Hillary has the edge on the super delegates, which is the most corrupt, un-democratic aspect of the Democratic Party.”
BV: “I’m not sure…it’s…it’s very un-democratic and corrupt, I agree. But I don’t think it’s the most corrupt. The most corrupt is the vote fraud.”
Basil cites a new report about the recent Michigan Presidential Primary, where its findings suggest that Bernie Sanders actually did better than the recorded vote share indicates.
The author of the report, Richard Charnin, provides context not only for Michigan primary results but for Massachusetts results as well:
This analysis indicates that Sanders did much better than his recorded vote in the Michigan primary. Sanders had 590,386 votes (49.8%) and Clinton 570,948 (48.3%). Sanders won in 73 of 83 MI counties with 56% of the vote. He won the preliminary exit poll by 52.1-45.9%, a 97% win probability. Clinton won urban counties Wayne and Oakland with approximately 55% of the vote.
Clinton won the Massachusetts primary by just 1.4%, but she did well in urban areas. Sanders won hand-counted precincts by 57-40% in 68 Towns (32,360 votes, 2.7% of votes cast). Sanders also had 52.1% in the preliminary exit poll which he won by 52.1-45.7%. His win probability was also 97%.
(See Charnin’s full report and statistical analysis here, including a breakdown of voting machine totals.)
Charnin explains there are three key indicators to track in determining whether election fraud has occurred: “cumulative vote shares, preliminary exit poll, absentee vote anomalies…”
Of course, you will not hear much about election fraud from the media — their coverage focuses solely on the recorded vote at the end of the night, and the usual Poli-tricks and Propaganda mess with voters’ minds during their televised election coverage.
Will we see these same election fraud indicators in the Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina primaries?
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