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Understanding the Risk of Solar Flares to Our Planet

21st Century Wire says…

Few people ever care or take notice of the obvious. There are two important things that most 21st century humans take for granted – the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field.

Our post-Tesla and post-Edison world is an electronic one, and if you’ve ever endured an extended power outage, then you will know what it means when the power is gone.

Since the second world war, Americans, nor Europeans have ever experienced a multi-month outage that covers a vast area.

It’s still a very distinct and statistical possibility. Here’s why…

‘The Electronic Age Loop Hole’

Brasscheck TV

This video starts VERY slowly and is a bit tedious, but it covers two very important things:

1. The very real risk of the sun to our way of life
2. How to watch the sun so you know in advance what may be coming

I’m not talking about skin cancer.

I’m talking about solar flares and other solar phenomenon.

Mostly not a big deal. Occasionally they disrupt satellite communication in a limited way.

But there’s a loophole in the normally benign relationship we have with the sun – and it’s a very, very scary one…

READ MORE TESLA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Tesla Files



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