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UNICEF Now Admits: ‘Schools Are Not Main Drivers of COVID Among Children’

21WIRE + Politico | Hopefully, institutions are waking up the catastrophic situation societies now face due to the suicidal policies being pursued by western governments.

Crash Test Dummies in the Post-COVID Era

Dustin Broadbery | This machine has one gear, and it’s forward only.

Maine’s Rise in COVID-19 Cases Linked to Face Masks

Fort Farfield Journal | When will the public finally realize that the ‘public health’ crisis has been wildly overblown?

Superior Court Stops Newsom’s Unconstitional ‘Pandemic’ Laws in California

21WIRE + KTVU | Judge ruled that Newsom overstepped his authority and violated the constitution when he changed the law during the ‘pandemic.’

Cuomo’s Power Grab: New York Suspends Jury Trials ‘Due to Surge in COVID Cases’

21WIRE + Times Union | Under the cover of a COVID crisis, Cuomo’s rule in New York has become increasingly authoritarian.

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: ‘We Need to Stop Following the Pied Piper on COVID’

Triggernometry | Just how far has society drifted from reality in its blind quest to ‘defeat the virus’?

New York Governor Orders New Lockdown, Curfews, Restrictions on Home Vistors

21WIRE | Under the guise of COVID, New York’s governor is flexing his authoritarian muscle again.

Professor Fuellmich Takes Government and WHO to Court Over COVID

El Vortice Radio | Legal action will hold governments and World Health Organization to account for ‘crimes against humanity.’

CDC Data: Lockdowns May Kill as Many as COVID Itself

21WIRE | Americans now beginning to ask: what is causing the remaining 140,000 excess deaths?

Lockdown UK: Why COVID Restrictions Could Last Until April

21WIRE | On what scientific basis is the UK government imposing such harsh totalitarian measures?

Henningsen on Dr Scott Altas and the RT Controversy

Patrick Henningsen | Altas’s policy recommendations are gaining traction and may soon be in the ascendancy.

PCR Pandemic: Interview with Germany’s Dr Claus Köhnlein

Dr Sam Bailey | How many of these supposed ‘cases’ are actual infections?

UKC News: ‘Where Did All the Flu Deaths Go?’

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with the midweek news round-up.

Spain: Study Shows 80% COVID Patients Deficient in Vitamin D

21WIRE | This latest study demonstrates that cheap therapeutics are already readily available to the public.

Governor Kristi Noem: ‘Liberty and the Pandemic’

21WIRE | Why did South Dakota adopt a different approach to COVID than almost every other state?

Dr Scott Atlas on Why Media Misunderstand the Biological Reality of ‘Herd Immunity’

UnHerd | ‘Closing schools, society and businesses is enormously harmful — in fact it kills people.’

UKC News: Britain’s New Normal Train Wreck, Democrat Plan for Post-Election Chaos

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

Final Debate Prep: What To Watch For, “Mute Button” Prediction

21WIRE | Remember: It’s a feature, not a bug.

UK Media Issues First Rebuke to Gov’t Over Destructive Lockdown Policies

Mail on Sunday | Pushing back against a Government who accuses its people of ‘misbehaving’ by the simple action of living their normal lives.

Embrace the Pandemic Mindset

JP Sears | You too can harness the power of pandemia.

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