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Halloween Fireside Book of Suspense Vol. 2: Boiler Room EP #133

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki, Funk$oul, Randy J and Daniel Spaulding convene for this weeks Boiler Room gathering of the ACR Brain Trust.

The Las Vegas and Weinstein Cover-ups: Boiler Room EP #132

Alternate Current Radio | Las Vegas mass shooting update, DHS associated ‘Geo Group’ connection to foundation of recently deceased Mandalay Bay survivor, a visit from ‘Voodoo John McCain’ and a puckering ice breaker.

Boiler Room EP #131 – Gender Fluid Scouts, Hollyweirdness & Eminem The Establishment Rapper

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Funk$oul, Randy J and Andy Nowicki form this meeting of the ACR Brain Trust to discuss the Boy Scouts allowing girls in, Harvey Weinstein in hot water and the idiocy of Eminem’s political stylings.

Boiler Room EP #130 – Mandalay Cover-Up

Boiler Room | Hesher, Spore and Nowicki form this meeting of the ACR Brain Trust to do an continuation of their boil down on the Las Vegas shooting.

Boiler Room EP #128 – “Free Speech… Not Without a War”

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore and this weeks gathering of the ACR Brain Trust boil down the gnashing of the teeth and the grinding of the gears in the media for this week. Bring a Flak Jacket!

Boiler Room EP #127 – The Oppression Commiseration (And Similar Topics)

Boiler Room | Hesher, Spore and this weeks gathering of the ACR Brain Trust boil down the gnashing of the teeth and the grinding of the gears in the media for this week. Bring a Flak Jacket!

Boiler Room EP #125 – Live From the Swamp Train with FunkSoul, Randy J, Patrick Henningsen

Alternate Current Radio | Gate crashing the political conversation, a usual suspects flesh-out the worst and weirdest stories of the week, from Washington’s Syria debacle, to DACA immigration, weather modification and ‘disaster relief funds.’ What a mad world it is…

Boiler Room EP #124 – Weather Warfare & CNN Goblin Pits

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer and Andy Nowicki analyzing weather modification topics in the wake of Hurricane Harvey and more.

Boiler Room EP #123 – Right vs. Left, Jerry Springer Style

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Patrick Henningsen, Daniel Spaulding, FunkSoul and Randy J discuss the continuing fallout from Charlottesville, then wrap up by touching on Trump’s Afghanistan speech and last week’s Barcelona attack.

Boiler Room EP #122 – Charlottesville & The History of Violent Cultural Revolution

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Infidel Pharaoh, Daniel Spaulding and Randy J analyze the Charlottesville events, the hysteria of the mainstream media and the triggering of the left.

Boiler Room – #UniteTheRight Coverage with Hesher, Andy Nowicki, Patrick Henningsen, FunkS0ul & Randy J

Alternate Current Radio | Special broadcast covering the #UniteTheRight Rally live with Andy Nowicki in VA plus Patrick Henningsen with analysis on the cars that hit pedestrians.

Boiler Room EP #121 – Google vs The Red Pill & The Great Witch Hunt

Alternate Current Radio | American swamp politics, Russian witch hunts, Ranchers on trial and Red Pill employees being discriminated against at Google.

Boiler Room EP #119 – Zombie Disneyland & The Decline of Western Society

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Andy N., FunkSoul & Randy J representing the ACR social rejects club once again on ACR for this live broadcast roundtable.

Boiler Room EP #118

Alternate Current Radio | This weeks BOIL DOWN of events and grindings of the news gears from the ALTERNATE CURRENT RADIO “Brain-Trust” streaming LIVE once again.

Boiler Room EP #117 – Straight Outta Tavistock & The Woke AF Zombie Apocalypse

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw, FunkSoul and Randy J representing the ACR Brain-trust unit discussing the ramifications of Tavistock style social engineering.

Boiler Room EP #116 – Trigger GIFs, Send in the Clowns

Alternate Current Radio | Episode 116 of Boiler Room with Hesher, Spore, Daniel Spaulding, FunkSoul, Miles of Truth & Andy Nowicki discussing the the downward spiral of CNN as the public flush them down the bowl.

Boiler Room EP #115 – Very Fake News & The Slaughter of Innocence

Alternate Current Radio | Boiler Room with Hesher, Spore, Daniel Spaulding & Andy Nowicki discussing the recent CNN exposé, creepy YouTube kids videos and Bernie under FBI investigation.

Boiler Room EP #114 – Psychos In The Compromised Media

Alternate Current Radio | The ACR Brain-trust returns to boil down the latest news, media shenanigans and continue their ongoing mission to smash the discredited MSM.

Boiler Room EP #113 – ‘CNN is ISIS’

Alternate Current Radio | The ACR Mind-Trust is back with another Boiler Room discussing Syria, the VA Congressional Baseball Shooter, asking babies for permission to parent them and the Grenfell Tower Fire.

Boiler Room EP #112 – UK Election, Omran & Technocratic Tech

Alternate Current Radio | ACR’s Brain-trust returns for the weekly Boil-Down of events. Join Hesher, Spore, Miles, Randy, Basil and the gang on ACR!

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