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Known in Britain simply as "The Beeb" - it's one of mainstream media's greatest-ever broadcast institutions, but in recent years it has garnered a different reputation - as one the Establishment's most relentless propaganda outlets. Explore our BBC archives...

In India: 6-year-old raped, beaten and brutalized

Times of India | India continues to hit new levels in the international sexual violence league tables.

Jill Dando and ‘The Men Who Paid the Price for Blair’s Guilt’

21 WIRE | Jill Dando was executed by a professional, or by a former soldier under Project Monarch-MK ULTRA.

10 Reason to Cancel Your TV License and more…

BanTheBBC says: Up until the last few years I used to be a big fan of BBC programming and would invest at least a few hours every day watching programmes like Eastenders, Top of the Pops, Only Fools & Horses, Question Time, Newsnight, Panorama, etc. But these days I cannot bring myself to watch any […]


Marco Giannangeli and Sonia Poulton | QUESTION: Where are they all disappearing to?

‘The Jacintha Saldanha Story Doesn’t Make Sense’ Says BBC – to Ben Fellows

Ben FellowsBefore It’s News The BBC contacted me yesterday and sent me the following email.  This BBC journalist clearly admits that perhaps the government and media aren’t telling us the truth regarding the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha and now the massacre in the US. WTF! The BBC have obviously taken leave of their senses, […]

Video: David Icke On The Queen,The BBC, The Royal Child Catcher To The Establishment

21WIRE | Much worse than the knighted Jimmy Savile’s own sordid habits, is that penchant for young children was not an isolated phenomenon.

Top PR Max Clifford Website Down, Following Arrest By UK Police Pedophile Unit

Nicholas Myra | Clifford was called into question here one month ago – Now he’s been taken in for questioning.

Like the Taliban, BBC Erase Banksy Artwork Which Exposed Their Internal Savile Cover-up

The Needle | What Do The Taliban And The BBC Have In Common?

The Prince and the Pedophile: What’s Charles Connection With Sir Jimmy Savile OBE?

Brandon Turbeville | Savile’s role in the Royal household is key preserving the secrets of an elite paedophile ring.

McAlpine Paedophilia Twitter Case Threatens To Expand UK Libel Law

Brisbane Times/Bloomberg | The McAlpine PR performance was a masterful slight of hand.

BBC Trustee Anthony Fry Defending George Entwistle’s ‘Entitlement’ – The 450K Golden Parachute

Andrew Woodcock | In addition to his pay-off, Mr Entwistle had a pension pot of £833,000.

McLibel 2.0 – Why Did ITV Hand Over 125K for ‘Schofield’s List’ and Can You Sue 10,000 Twitter Users?

Peter Sterry | The establishment don’t like, and never have liked, the horrid internet, because of what it represents – an affordable, endless community of open source networks and information.

The BBC, Lord McAlpine and ‘The New Machiavelli’ Book

John Ward | McAlpine’s advice on dealing with the media? Spread false defeat to gain public sympathy; or false accusation and then arrange for it to be exposed as such – so the accuser will forever be treated with suspicion.

Doorstep Interview: DJ ‘Hairy Cornflake’ denies any and all involvement with Jimmy Savile’s empire of abuse

21WIRE | The Savile net expands to snare former work colleagues at the BBC.

Very Odd: Alistair McGowan’s parody of Eminem courting Jimmy Savile

21WIRE | Now this is really, really strange…


The Firm | People learned how, what has become known as the “dark arts” – are perpetrated in UK politics and media.

WEB OF DECEIT: Common Purpose and Media Standards Trust Exposed in the National Press Today

Mail Online | The secret organisation behind the Leveson Inquiry plot for gov’t control of the UK press.

Hounding Steve Messham, smears in the Daily Mail, threats against MPs and police complicity

The Slog | So just who is Alfred ‘Jimmie’ McAlpine anyway? Another cover-up…

FANCY THAT: Police ‘Lost’ Thick Dossier, Later ‘Seized’ by MI5 on Paedophile Sir Cyril Smith

21WIRE | Overweight child rapist and serial paedophile who was knighted by the Queen of England, was also protected by the top British police and intelligence operatives.

Original SCALLYWAG Magazine Paedophile Ring Investigation Turns Up Online

21WIRE | The original 1990′s SCALLYWAG Magazine paedophile investigation has popped-up online, including the complete exposé of the North Wales Boys Home scandal, and details of a sophisticated child abuse network running through Westminster and elsewhere.

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