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‘The Jacintha Saldanha Story Doesn’t Make Sense’ Says BBC – to Ben Fellows

Ben Fellows
Before It’s News

The BBC contacted me yesterday and sent me the following email. 

This BBC journalist clearly admits that perhaps the government and media aren’t telling us the truth regarding the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha and now the massacre in the US. WTF!

The BBC have obviously taken leave of their senses, if they ever had any, and hired conspiracy theorists instead of journalists. Is this really what we should be paying our license fee for? Who knew that the BBC is a hot bed of conspiracy theorists.Of course the darker side of this story (and of course I’m probably going to be accused of being a conspiracy theorist) is that this is an attempt by the BBC to try to draw me out into a conversation about the terrible tragedies of Jacintha Saldanha and the recent US massacre as a back door to talking about…

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