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SYRIA: Rukban refugee camp little more than a U.S-controlled concentration camp under command of armed extremists

Whitney Webb | U.S has created a concentration camp in Rukban and Pentagon is not allowing refugees to leave.

Syrian Army Hunts Down ISIS in Desert, Terrorists ‘Hideout’ in US-Controlled Al-Tanf

SouthFront | US-led coalition prevents Syria from conducting security operations against ISIS in the desert area.

Pentagon Says Multinational Force to Establish ‘Safe-Zone’ in Northeastern Syria

SouthFront | U.S. troops to remain in northeastern Syria after the supposed pullout.

SWEIDA: A Bloody Massacre Barely Registered by Western Media as ISIS Slaughter Innocent Civilians in their Sleep

Vanessa Beeley | One of the bloodiest massacres of an eight year war carried out by ISIS empowered by the US Coalition in Syria.

SYRIA 180: US Regime Change Plan is Back (It Never Left)

21WIRE | Regime change may be back on the table, but in reality it never left with U.S. illegal and permanent occupation of Syria.

SYRIA: US Flagrant Aggression is Absurdly Described as ‘Self-Defence’

Finian Cunningham | US terrorism rebranding to secure territory surrounding game changer, Deir Ezzor

SYRIA: Washington’s Boots and Missile Systems on the Ground to Defend ISIS and Associated Proxies

Andrew Korybko | Washington’s war on “terror” is a farce

SYRIA: British and American Presence Directly Escalating Conflict Near Al-Tanf

21WIRE + Newsweek | British and American troops are already stationed in Syria, and the situation around al-Tanf is escalating.

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