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The spread of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease around the world has triggered reactionary government policies which have seriously impacted numerous countries, societies, and economies, as well as shutting down most religious, cultural and sporting events. Learn more about this epidemic and see a number of serious challenges to the official narrative here...


COVID REVISED: Are New WHO Guidelines Adding to the Death Toll?

Miles Elliott | Won’t recording deaths “assumed” to be due to COVID-19 exaggerate the threat?

China’s New ‘Coronavirus’ Surveillance Grid: 24/7 Tracking, Big Data, Drones – A Permanent State

21WIRE | China’s ‘national monitoring experiment’ will not go away after COVID-19 is finally ‘contained.’ Rather, the measures will be permanent.

Sweden vs COVID-19: Why ‘Herd Immunity’ Matters and Why Lockdown Doesn’t Really Work

Unherd | Top Swedish epidemiologist explains why Sweden chose not to destroy their economy, society and democracy in order to contain and treat the coronavirus.

COVID-19: Bill Gates Continues to Misrepresent Science and the Coronavirus

Andrew Mather | The more we watch Bill Gates, the more incoherent and reckless he appears to be.

Minnesotans Protest State Lockdown – Defying Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma Agenda

21WIRE | Protesters lined the streets of Governor Tim Waltz’s mansion residence.

UKC News: Government Doubles Down on COVID-19 Lockdown, Pushing Vaccine Solution

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates.

US Lockdown Numbers Never Real: So-called ‘Experts’ Simply Lied

21WIRE | The true picture is finally emerging from the ‘fog of war’ and it’s not a pretty one – most of all not for numerous ‘experts’ who have been pushing the ‘lockdown’ policies.

COVID-19 Reality: UK Lockdown Could Cause 150,000 ‘Avoidable’ Deaths

21WIRE + RT | The human cost of Britain’s coronavirus lockdown has yet to be seen.

COVID-19 Marshall Plan: Plunging UK Into Debt on a False Pretext

Andrew Mather | Will government and the bankers get their COVID-inspired coup d’etat in time before the native become too restless?

US Expert: ‘Lockdown May Do More Damage, Claim More Lives Than COVID-19’

Dr David Katz | Were these policies really thought through, or merely driven by mass panic and wild speculation?

COVID-19: Why Big Government is the Disease, Not the Cure

John Fuller | Our problems begin with the belief that government can fix anything, including their mortality.

Lockdown Protest in North Carolina Called ‘non-essential activity’ by Raleigh Police

21WIRE | More coronavirus lockdown backlash today, this time in Raleigh, NC, as protesters called the state order an “unconstitutional overreach.”

COVID-19 By Design: Ushering in Automation, A.I. and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Cory Morningstar | Make no mistake: the coronavirus crisis is the catalyst for an automated transnational corporate Brave New World. But where do humans fit in?

Under COVID cover, ‘green’ Gavin Newsom gives go-ahead for more Fracking in California

21WIRE | With state under shutdown for COVID-19, Democrat governor uses opportunity to push through more permits for the highly controversial extraction process.

Herd Immunity: Expert Explains Why COVID-19 Lockdown and Social Distancing Doesn’t Work

Dr. Knut Wittkowski | Why ‘lockdown’ and social distancing will likely cause more casualties in long run than claims of “lives saved” being made by politicians and media.

US Physician: ‘CDC and US Government Are Inflating COVID-19 Death Count’

21WIRE | Are the reported deaths from COVID-19 truly deaths from COVID-19?

Lockdown Backlash: Ohio Residents Protest

21WIRE | Protesters are calling for the Health Director to resign and want to ‘reopen’ Ohio.

Dr Shiva Blasts Lockdown, ‘Medieval Medicine’ of Fauci, Bill Gates and W.H.O.

21WIRE | Is the pharmaceutical industrial complex using the COVID-19 crisis to seize power over government decision making? 

Short Film: No It’s Not God (It’s Just Bill Gates)

Truthstream Media | A closer look through the bizarre worldview lens of this globalist billionaire and his transnational corporate network.

Kansas City’s ‘Corona Shutdown’ Continues Despite Lower Than Expected Outbreak

21WIRE | This is not New York and the numbers just don’t add up.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue