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South Africa Votes to Seize Land from White Farmers – Without Compensation

21WIRE | A new parliamentary committee will assess a constitutional amendment to allow for “land expropriation without compensation.”

PODCAST: Here’s Why the Russian “Bots” and “Fake News” Story is a Total Fraud

21WIRE | Robert Mueller just indicted the Internet, and has further taken the Russia investigation into the depths of the imbecilic.

UK COLUMN: Gun Control in America, Russia Hacks the World, Syria Ceasefire Respite for ISIS

UK Column News | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today’s news round-up.

Episode #223 – ‘America’s Orwellian War in Syria’ with guests Modar Ibraheem, Kevork Almassian

SUNDAY WIRE | Your weekly omnibus news and analysis radio program…

Henningsen on UN Ceasefire: ‘Nikki Haley has no idea what she’s talking about with Syria’

Patrick Henningsen | This latest UN performance demonstrates that neither the US Coalition, nor the terrorist groups it backs in Syria, will ever abide by international law.

Iran FM Zarif: ‘Israel’s Myth of Invincibility Has Crumbled’

Munich Security Conference | The Iranian foreign minister delivers a ground-breaking speech in Munich.

NRA Spokeswoman to CNN: ‘Many in the media like the ratings aspect of mass shootings’

21WIRE | Do many in the media like the ratings mass shootings bring to their networks? It’s a fair question.

Ghouta: Terrorists Fire Over 70 Missiles into Damascus, Targeting Humanitarian Corridors

21WIRE | Terrorists continue to shell civilians in Damascus, as well as hitting humanitarian corridors, thus keeping residents evacuating.

Parkland Shooting – Media Circus Evolution – SPLC Red & Brown Lies – Boiler Room EP #148

Alternate Current Radio |The ACR Brain-Trust tells the discredited mainstream media exactly what they think of them as they further discuss the media’s treatment of the Parkland school shooting. SPLC “academic” attacks Boiler Room!

Political Censorship: Twitter Purges Thousands of ‘Right-wing’ Accounts

21WIRE | The Silicon Valley are rolling out wide-ranging political censorship activities in the run-up to the US mid-term elections.

UK COLUMN: BREXIT Slipping, Assange Deconstructs Russiagate, Oxfam Corruption Crisis

UK Column | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today’s news round-up.

Syrian Pro-Govt Forces to Help Kurds Defend Afrin Against Turkey

21WIRE + RT | A very tense situation now, which could potentially open-up a dangerous new front in the Syrian war.

VIDEO: A Breakdown of the Coming Battle for East Ghouta

Kevork Almassian | This will be a painful affair, and expect western news outlets to be cheering for al Qaeda terrorists.

SYRIA: The Guardian Journalist who takes ‘Afternoon Tea’ with ISIS and Survives.

Vanessa Beeley | The Guardian is following a well know recipe for “Humanitarian” war.

Episode #222 – ‘The Golden Age of Stupid’ with guests Mike Robinson, Marwa Osman

SUNDAY WIRE | Your weekly omnibus news and analysis radio program…

Britain, Christopher Steele, Were the Real Foreign Influence in 2016 Election

Peter Van Buren | His dossier was more than opposition research, it was part of a full-spectrum information operation.

Playing with South Africa’s Presidents: Zuma Out, What’s Next?

P.D. Lawton | South Africa has yet to free itself from the grip of its old imperial and corporate masters.

SYRIA: Putin Makes an Offer to Israel: Will Israel Refuse?

Alastair Crooke | We live dangerous times in the Middle East today – both in the immediate present, and in the mid-term too.

Israel Must Now Think Twice Before Crossing Syria’s Red Lines

Elijah Magnier | For Israel, the old rules of engagement no longer apply – this is a new reality.

The ‘Divide and Conquer’ Campaign Being Waged Against Palestinian Resistance

Robert Inlakesh | The agenda to divide and conquer the Palestinian people and how this is being carried out.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue