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UKC News: Boris Gets His Xmas Election, But Did Trump Really Get Al-Baghdadi?

UKC News | Co-costs Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen cover the midweek headlines from around the world.

INTERVIEW: Syrian Girl on Trump’s Latest U-Turn in Syria

21WIRE | An extended discussion on the current travails in Syria, and what the future holds for the embattled country.

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Popular Uprisings in Chile, Hong Kong, Lebanon and beyond

21WIRE | The big question: why are certain protests movements more successful than others?

INTERVIEW: Marwa Osman on Protests in Lebanon and Challenges Ahead

21WIRE | What are the immediate risks for Lebanon going forward?

More Holes in Trump’s Claims About Alleged Killing of ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi

Stephen Lendman | Trump’s Sunday announcement was a political stunt, and any claims are the polar opposite reality.

VIDEO: Turkey Artillery Shelling Nearly Hits Russian Troops in Syria

AMN | Turkey seems intent on pushing the boundaries as it attempts to crave out its own space of operations in northern Syria.

Lendman: ‘Endless US Rape, Occupation and Plunder of Syria’

Stephen Lendman | Baghdadi alive or dead matters little – ISIS is a US creation, with its activities controlled by its Pentagon and CIA handlers.

POTUS Murder Mystery Hour: Trump and The Illusive Al-Baghdadi

21WIRE | Unfortunately, Trump’s latest scalp raises many more questions than answers.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Revolution Business’ (2011)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Not all revolutions come from the grass roots.

Episode #300 – ‘Special 300th Edition’ with guests Marwa Osman, Syrian Girl, Andre Vltchek and More

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Popular Mobility vs Chaos: Lebanon’s Revolution on Hold

Marwa Osman | Lebanon finds itself at a real crossroads today, as chaos threatens to upend genuine popular mobility.

Iraqi Defense Minister Says to US Military: ‘You Have 4 Weeks to Leave’

21WIRE + AP | Will Washington now apply pressure on the Iraqi gov’t to allow US troops to stay, or will their narrative be rescued by the emergence of a new “ISIS threat”?

Panel Criticizes ‘Unacceptable Practices’ in OPCW Investigation of Alleged Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria

Courage Foundation | New assessment of OPCW chemical weapons report exposes likely political corruption within the WMD watchdog agency.

INTERVIEW: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva on US-Serbia Trafficking Arms to ISIS in Yemen

21WIRE | Extended podcast interview on the story of a brave Serbian whistleblower who helped to expose his government’s corruption in an arms trafficking scandal.

Assad to Syrian Army: ‘Ready to Clean-up Idlib from the Terrorists’

Syria News | With NE Syria returning to Damascus hands, only the al Qaeda-occupied Idlib province remains to be liberated.

Fear and Loathing in Bolivia: Western-backed Destabilization Operations Underway

Edu Montesanti | The unspoken truth is that there is an invisible ‘foreign hand” working in Bolivia – to weakened democracy.

Still Milking It: Trump Hands Over $4.5 million to ‘Terrorist Adjunct’ White Helmets

Patrick Henningsen | President Trump is the latest in a 6-year long scam being run by the western governments.

Assad Visits Idlib Province, Slams Turkey’s Erdogan for Looting Syria

21WIRE + AMN | Assad called out Erdogan: “a thief who steals wheat, petroleum, and factories, and now he is trying to steal land.”

UK COLUMN: Hillary vs Tulsi, BREXIT Now Stalked by 2nd Referendum

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen breaking down the early week headlines.

Episode #299 – ‘When Color Revolutions Were Real’ with guest Dilyana Gaytandzhieva and more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue