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Obama Ignores DC Protesters, as ‘Barrycades’ go back up around the capital’s public spaces

21st  Century Wire says…

In a White House move that is sure to infuriate an already offended public, orders were issued to re-shut all of the monuments and public spaces which were re-opened by thousands of Americans over the weekend.

Only hours after US Veterans and their supporters has removed the barrier fencing from both the WWII and Lincoln Memorials and piled them at the White House gates in Washington DC on Sunday, government workers appear to have carried them back to their original positions.

Lincoln Memorial_closed
Closed Again: Barriers brought back to Washington monuments by DC police (Photo: GMN reporter Nemo)

As 21WIRE reported this past Sunday, groups of demonstrators took down all the metal barriers – infamously dubbed the “Barrycades” in reference to the President’s former moniker, from the both WWII and Lincoln Memorials, before carrying them over to the White House and dumping them in front of the White House gates.

Critics have accused the White House of trying to micromanage partisan dissent for the purposes of apportioning blame on the Republican opposition for the government shutdown now in its third week.

Worse however, are accusations that the White House is simply exerting ‘”authority for authority’s sake”, even in the face of a public who are offended by such federal edicts issued in order to underline the government shutdown. Many believe that this federal edict, more than any other, illustrates how out of touch the current White House regime is from the public sentiment.

The brazen move of replacing the unpopular security barriers at public monuments in Washington will only fuel more negative public reaction towards the Democrat and Republican regimes’ politicized feud over the federal budget crisis.

Already, announcements from a number of pro-Veteran groups and pro-Liberty groups have been made calling for repeated civil disobedience events throughout the week, as well as for this weekend. Estimates of up to ten times the numbers seen this past weekend are expected to converge on DC in response to this unprecedented federal government lock down of public spaces.

One Disqus reader, Stephanie S, commented “This is a provocation, don’t fall for it. The big hero wants the vets to get in a snit and knock the barrycades down again, then there will be an “incident” involving violence, and he will say an insurrection has started and declare martial law.”

One of the most incredible, and certainly the most indelible mark made by any one photographic image from this past weekend was that of a double amputee US veteran, who lifted a barricade on to his Segway personal transport and drove it to the White House. See this incredible image here:

Other images of the re-closure of the DC public spaces have been filtering in throughout Monday and Tuesday. Here are a few:  

SEE ALSO: Protesters in DC take barriers from monuments and dump them at White House gates



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