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Protesters in DC take barriers from monuments and dump them at White House gates

UPDATE: Obama ignores DC Protesters, as ‘Barrycades’ go back up around the capital’s public spaces

21st Century Wire says…

As the Bobtail trucker convoys entered the heart of Washington DC this morning, Metropolitan police recognized that truckers were in an organized formation, and signaled their support to constitutional truckers.

Ernest “General” Lee said on GNM Live this morning, “This is incredible. Police gave us a salute, they are in support”.

Across the way, demonstrators in support of US Veterans first gathered at the WWII, Lincoln and Iwo Jima Memorials. Teams of protesters dismantled government-imposed barriers at the monuments, and proceeded to carry them towards the entrance to the White House. Updates from the ground this morning…

At 9:30am EST:According to GMN reporter, a veteran and former US Marine Will Gonzalez, “Police are helping block the roads for us. They are definitely supporting us. There are at least a few hundred people walking from the WWII memorial towards the White House.”

At 11:15am EST: Groups of people tore down the government barriers, and began to occupy the Lincoln Memorial monument. GMN live reported that hundreds of protesters headed on foot, from Washington DC’s the WWII and Lincoln Memorials towards the White House. See this video captured by videographer Annette Beland:

At 12:05pm EST: Groups of demonstrators took down the barriers from the both WWII and Lincoln Memorials, and then carried them over to the White House and dumped them in front of the White House gates.

According to GMN reporter Will Gonzalez, “A group of police with masks and full riot gear moved between us and the White House, but after the crowd shouted ‘shame on you’, the police backed away”.

Despite false rumors circulating on social media, and trending terms on Twitter of “police tear gas”, and “police violence” – the police on horseback and 7-10 police did not engage with demonstrators at the White House this morning.

This video was posted, which shows metal barriers in a pile in front of the White House, as police are confronted by demonstrators:


Police also wheeled a toy that has become a common sight in cities around the US, their LRAD vehicles in a show of force (photo below):

Police also seemed to be ready for mass detention with tie-wraps, despite the peaceful nature of the protest (photo below):

One disabled US Veteran is carrying away a “Barry” barrier on his segway…

Day 3:
Negative US Media Coverage Fails to Stop Constitutional Truckers and Veterans Moving on DC



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