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U.S. Federal Grand Jury Set to Hear 9/11 Evidence on Controlled Demolition

Isaac Davis | New grand jury will hear evidence supporting controlled demolition theory.

BUILDING 7: University of Alaska Study to Examine Controlled Demolition of WTC 7

21WIRE | This is long overdue.

False Flag Exposé: Businessman Raising £1 Million to Recreate 9/11 Attacks

21WIRE | Here is a a very unique crowdfunding project with a serious goal.

Fire Engulfs Chinese High-Rise But No Collapse (Like Building 7)

21WIRE + RT | Nothing to see here, move along…

9/11 Truth ‘Inside Job’ Caused Seahawks Superbowl Loss

21WIRE | FOX News host asserts an ‘inside job’ was responsible for the Seahawks’ loss, while applying kindergarten science to 9/11.

State of Denial: The 9/11 ‘Festival of War’

Andrew McKillop | Never mind the blowback of pure hatred against the west that the 9/11 farce generates right across the Muslim world and south Asia. What counts is the official, reassuring and idiot-friendly version of “what really happened” in New York and Washington in Sept 2001.

The 9/11 Zapruder Film: Building What?

Building What? | WTC Building 7 was not even mentioned in the lengthy government-issued 911 Commission Report.

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