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REAL Coverage of Syrian Conflict

Since 2011, the Syrian War has become one of the most important battlefields in the world. Now in its 8th year, it remains one of the most misrepresented conflicts in history, as regime change-seeking Western and Gulf state powers seek to mislead the public by wrongly framing it as a 'civil war' when in fact it is any but that. With over 1,500 Syria-related articles and videos in our archive, 21WIRE is determined to set the record straight, providing readers with groundbreaking coverage from the Middle East...

The OPCW Scandal is Now a Bona fide Cover-up

21WIRE | Why these latest leaks completely destroy the West’s official WMD fiction in Syria.

Turkish Intervention in Libya – Has Ankara Split its Militants’ Ranks in Northern Syria?

Khaled Iskef | Time will tell whether this bold move will undermine Turkey’s lofty regional ambitions.

Is Erdogan Recycling Terrorists from Idlib, to a New Civil War in Libya?

21WIRE + Mideast Discourse | Bad news for Libya, as Turkey offers yet another lifeline to its al-Qaeda fighters.

Post-Truth World: An OPCW Cover-up, Shielded by MSM and Bellingcat

Patrick Henningsen | As this story continues to unravel, rather than face the truth, establishment gatekeepers have chosen to double down again.

(VIDEO) Moment US and Syrian Troops Come Face to Face, SAA Tells US to Leave

21WIRE + AMN | “You are occupiers, and you will leave Syria either today or tomorrow.”

Istanbul’s ‘Syrian Government in Exile’, Now Demanding Military Action in Idlib

21WIRE + South Front | For Syria’s ‘opposition in exile’ there’s still the glimmer of hope that the West will re-enter the theatre and help install them into power and rescue their purported ‘revolution’ of 2011.

Syrian Advisor to President Assad Warns of Operations Against US to Regain Syrian Oil

21WIRE | If Washington continues its brazen violation of international law, then a major confrontation could be on the horizon.

(VIDEO) Russian Military Police Secure Another Abandoned US Base in Syria

21WIRE | This week, Russian forces secured yet another abandoned illegal US military base in Syria.

Syrian Army Takes Key HTS Stronghold in Jarjanaz in Idlib, With Pressure Mounting on Turkey

Khaled Iskef | SAA continue making gains further into terrorist-occupied Idlib in northern Syria.

Tehran: ‘We’ll respond to American and Israeli crimes in Syria’

21WIRE + AMN | Condemnations and threats from both sides, indicate that a wider military conflict may indeed manifest itself in the near term.

Mainstream Media on OPCW Leaks – The Good, Bad and Downright Ugly

Sheila Coombes | Rather than cover the OPCW story, a tight network of operatives in mainstream media are not only suppressing this story, but tare also actively attacking anyone who reports on it.

This is Genocide: The U.S. Senate’s Armenian Gambit vis-à-vis Turkey

Dr Can Erimtan | US-Turkey relations may be devolving into tit-for-tat recriminations – against a backdrop of an ever widening trans-Atlantic rift.

Idlib’s Jihadi Circus: Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Accuses Rival Group of Looting Electricity Towers

21WIRE + South Front | Tension now mounting among competing NATO and Gulf-backed terrorist factions ahead of impending offensive by Syrian Army.

Reports: Russian Military to Form New Group to Replace SDF in Northern Syria

21WIRE + AMN | Moscow and Damascus hoping to capitalize on their gains of late, retraining and managing disparate Kurdish forces formerly under US command.

The Truth About OPCW and Supposed ‘Gas Attack’ in Douma

21WIRE | It’s time for the US, UK and France to come clean and admit the truth about the alleged 2018 ‘chlorine attack’ in Syria.

NATO’s Terrorist Army: Hundreds of Jaysh Al-Izza Defectors Join Turkish-Backed Forces

21WIRE + South Front | Terrorist factions continue to join NATO’s ranks, as Erdogan tries to sustain his violent proxy war in Syria.

Unknown Gunmen Attacks US-Occupied Omar Oils Fields in Syria

21WIRE + South Front | Reports coincide with the arrival of U.S. military and logistic supplies to base inside the illegally occupied oil field.

UN Syria Shenanigans, OPCW Email Leak, AFP #RussiaGate Fumble

UKC News | Now look who’s lecturing who on lying to the public about Syria.

HTS Terrorists Intensity Attacks on Aleppo’s Residential Neighborhoods

21WIRE | US and Turkish-backed terrorists in Syria continue indiscriminate shelling of residential areas in Aleppo.

NEW REPORT: Evidence of Turkey’s War Crimes in Syria and ISIS Members Within its Ranks

Khaled Iskef | Available evidence suggests NATO member Turkey has committed war crimes in Syria, and is employing known terrorists under the banner of its armed forces.

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