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Syrian Army Secure Oil Field Near Northeastern Border with Turkey

As the Syran Arab Army continue to move into key positions along its northern border region, the state has been able to reclaim some of its natural resources, including its Rumilan oil fields located in Hasakah province in the country’s northeast.

Syria News reports…

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continues its deployment north and east to secure as many Syrian people and as much Syrian land it can in a race with NATO and their terrorists.

The importance of the SAA and Syrian Border Guard units deployment at the northeastern border areas with Turkey in Hasakah province is highlighted in this report by Lebanese Al-Mayadeen news station:

The report adds, “Upon the declaration of the Erdogan – Trump agreement to allow the Turkish invasion of north and northeast Syria, the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad gave his orders to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to move to the north and northeast at all costs, the move that further convinced the Kurdish separatist militias to strike an agreement with the advancing SAA instead of getting crushed by all the parties. It was the acts of the separatist Kurds and their dream to Israelize large parts of the country they occupied with the help for their NATO and Israel sponsors that allowed the current state of destabilization and chaos. They kept refusing to drop their separatist dreams and turned their back to the Syrian people hoping the US will protect them forever.”

See more details on this situation at Syria News

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