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Tracking and analyzing the West's most elevated terrorist opponent of the moment, the Islamic State, aka the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS).

(VIDEO) Russian Military Police Secure Another Abandoned US Base in Syria

21WIRE | This week, Russian forces secured yet another abandoned illegal US military base in Syria.

Turkey’s 6th Religious Council: The Dawn of a Sharia-compliant New Turkey

Dr Can Erimtan | With the approaching centennial of the Republic’s foundation, Turkey’s AKP-led government is closer than ever to realising its vision of a new Islamic state in Turkey.

No Man’s Land: ‘Former’ American ISIS Terrorist Stranded Between Greece and Turkey

21WIRE + South Front | Why is US now abandoning its previously valued jihadi field assets deployed in Syria?

US Claims it Has Authority to Shoot Any Syrian Official Who Tries to Retake Control of Syrian Oil

21WIRE + Common Dreams | The world can now see that the US has no standing in Syria whatsoever, operating under a fraudulent mandate.

Reports: ISIS is Active Again in Daraa, Syria

Khaled Iskef | Several incidents have taken place during the past months in Daraa, including targeting members of the Syrian Army and security forces.

Report: U.S. Plans to Establish New Base Near Deir Ezzor, Syria

21WIRE + South Front | US attempting to build more illegal bases inside Syria, guaranteeing further destablization and the continued existence ISIS in the region.

Explained: Washington’s REAL Mission in Syria

Stephen Lendman | Just as with Bush the Younger, and Nobel Laureate Obama, President Trump and the US government are lying to Americans and the world.

Right On Cue: Pentagon Issue ‘Alert’ as ISIS Vows Revenge Attacks Over Baghdadi Death

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | If their PR office is to be believed, then ISIS has named new leader, warning US against any ‘rejoicing’.

UKC News: Boris Gets His Xmas Election, But Did Trump Really Get Al-Baghdadi?

UKC News | Co-costs Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen cover the midweek headlines from around the world.

More Holes in Trump’s Claims About Alleged Killing of ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi

Stephen Lendman | Trump’s Sunday announcement was a political stunt, and any claims are the polar opposite reality.

Lendman: ‘Endless US Rape, Occupation and Plunder of Syria’

Stephen Lendman | Baghdadi alive or dead matters little – ISIS is a US creation, with its activities controlled by its Pentagon and CIA handlers.

POTUS Murder Mystery Hour: Trump and The Illusive Al-Baghdadi

21WIRE | Unfortunately, Trump’s latest scalp raises many more questions than answers.

ISIS Attacks SDF Headquarters, Liberates Scores of ‘Terrorist Brides’

21WIRE + South Front | The danger here is that US proxies have released ISIS terrorists – which may be used at a later date to prompt more US military intervention in the region.

Washington’s Sum of All Fears: Kurdish Militants Cut a Deal with Damascus

Patrick Henningsen | The US-Kurdish dance in northeastern Syria was always a game of musical chairs, and sooner or later, someone had to leave.

Turkey and ‘The Kurds’ – ‘A Game of Musical Chairs’ in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | With so many different agendas at play in NE Syria, there is a risk of unintended negative consequences.

UK COLUMN: US Trafficking Weapons to ISIS, Al Qaeda, West’s Plan to Pull Iran Away from China

UK Column News | co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the early week news round-up.

SYRIA: Several ISIS Terrorists Killed by SAA Near Historic Palmyra

AMN | The SAA have stepped-up attacks near Palmyra over the last 24 hours in response to the Islamic State ambushes.

SYRIA: Heavy Infighting Breaks Out Between Turkish-backed Terrorists in Afrin

AMN | Despite its failing Jihadist project in Iblib, Turkey is still attempting to hold on and manage its bevy of terrorist brigades in Syria

Israel Directing Policy Through US Treasury: Sanctioning Hezbollah’s Political Allies in Lebanon

Patrick Henningsen | With military options practically off the table, this is the only remaining option for Washington and Tel Aviv to try and undermine Israel’s region challenger.

INTERVIEW: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva reveals US arms trafficking to ISIS

21WIRE | A shocking indictment of Washington’s illegal weapon trade which continues to arm terrorists across the Middle East.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue