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Why Opposing US Extradition of Julian Assange Should Matter to UK

Wise Up Action | Supporters and activists of all stripes are coming to together calling for the release of the WikiLeaks founder.

INTERVIEW: Ecuadorian diplomat Fidel Navraez on Julian Assange extradition

SUNDAY WIRE | Informal and candid interview with some unique insights into this historic case and a publisher now under threat of extradition to the US.

INTERVIEW: CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou discusses the Julian Assange case

21WIRE | Insight into Assange’s current situation and what fate may await him in the US.

INTERVIEW: Joe Lauria explains Assange indictments and US Espionage Act

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Why this federal move threatens to redefine the relationship between free press and the state.

Assange Indictment: US Department of Justice Declares ‘War on Journalism’

21WIRE | Finally, media watchdog and rights groups are beginning to push back against the DOJ’s new authoritarian power grab.

Henningsen: ‘Assange Indictment Could Affect All Media Outlets, Globally’

21WIRE | DOJ indictment follows a familiar pattern of politicized indictments conjured by US government to control the global information space.

Britain’s ‘Media Freedom’ is Smokescreen to Hide the Persecution of Journalists Who Expose War Crimes

Nina Cross | Jeremy Hunt’s media freedom campaign is a useful deflection from the British government’s war on Assange and its increasingly hostile and repressive stance towards journalists.

Chelsea Manning Defiant, Sent to Jail Again for Refusing to Incriminate Assange

21WIRE | US authorities continue their policy of coercion and punishment in order to compel Manning to help fabricate a new ‘conspiracy’ case against Assange.

Assange Supporters, Yellow Vests Block Traffic at U.S. Extradition Hearing in London

21WIRE | “Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning are on trial on behalf of us.”

‘Imperialism on Trial – Free Julian Assange’ hosted by George Galloway

21WIRE | Julian Assange supporters gather in central London for a powerhouse lineup of speakers hosted by George Galloway.

‘A Total Stitch-Up’: Julian Assange Arrested After Ecuador Revokes Asylum

21WIRE | Are we watching the ‘criminalization of journalism’ unfold in front of our eyes?

Henningsen: US, UK, Ecuador’s ‘Dirty Backroom Deals’ to Blame for Latest Threat to Assange

Patrick Henningsen | What’s going on behind the scenes between Washington DC, Westminster, Quito – and Belgravia.

Henningsen: ‘Fourth Estate has become a Fifth Column – working against the people’

Basma Qaddour | Progress of the last decade is now under direct threat from increasingly authoritarian governments, corporate media and Silicon Valley.

Head of Press TV London Detained By MI5 British Intelligence

21WIRE | Iranian owner of a London-based television production company was taken into custody by British intelligence.

UK Column Live – Conference for Freedom in Press and Media 2013

UK Column | Exposing The Leveson Common Purpose: The battle for press and internet freedom is now on.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue