Fort Russ | Putin made Ukraine’s fascist oligarch Poroshenko look stupid in Minsk this week.
What are the future prospects of the European Union? Will the EU achieve its ambitious goal of becoming the 'United States of Europe'? All this and more...
‘Russian Fifth Column Panics Over Putin’s Triumph With Minsk Agreement’
More British (Banker) Fear Mongering Over Greece’s New Syriza Government
21WIRE + RT | Britain’s chief Ponzi scheme operator is lecturing Greece on managing its debt.
Podemos Draws 100,000 For Anti-Austerity Rally Madrid
Guardian | The message is clear as crowds say: “Greece gives us hope”
Rockstar: Syriza’s Yanis Tells Troika Bankers to Take a Hike Back to Brussels
21WIRE + RT | This is a major poke in the eye to central banking masters of usury.
Davos Celebrates As ECB Unleashes Trillion Euro Quantitative Easing Program
Global Research | This latest move exposes the greed of Europe’s elite, and it will be the beginning of the end for the Eurozone.
HEBDO CHASE: Anti-Terror Raids ‘Rolled Out’ After Paris Attacks Fraudulent Narrative
21WIRE + RT | The Paris Attacks served as a jagged catalyst for the security apparatus and media, while clouding the public conversation with highly deceptive propaganda.
Obama and Cameron’s Biggest Fear: Seven EU nations support lifting sanctions on Russia
21WIRE + Tass | Washington and London hoped the attacks in Paris would pull EU rebels back towards the anti-Russian club, but it looks like the effect was only short-term.
DIRTY PLOT: Ukrainian Crisis Had ‘Outside Agitators’ Says Oliver Stone – As Czech Returns NATO Medals
21WIRE + RT | A critical lens with which to view Washington’s true role in the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine.
EPIC FAIL: EU Now Demanding Russian ‘Bail Out’ for Both Ukraine and Brussels
21WIRE + Global Research | EU threatening Russia with more sanctions if Russia ‘lets Ukraine go bankrupt’.
Ebola Goes Global: Air France Quarantine 183 After 4 Cases in Madrid, Moscow Monitors 2 Students
21WIRE | It’s reaching escape velocity: Airline execs are under pressure from customers while the media fuel paranoia.
Scotland Votes ‘NO’, Now Watch As the Ground Shifts Beneath Our Feet
Patrick Henningsen | Here are the winners and losers from the latest chapter in Scotland’s epic quest for independence.
NATO Oversteps Its Charter Again, Running Guns and Weapons to the Ukraine
21WIRE | While a ceasefire has been reached in Eastern Ukraine and hostilities have ceased, NATO has seized the opportunity to inject more tension by openly trafficking arms on to Russia’s doorstep.
Czech Republic: ‘No NATO Troops on Our Soil’
21WIRE + RT | Both Bush and Obama had originally tried to sell the missile project as ‘protection against missiles from Iran’, but as events in Kiev have proven, NATO’s ‘missile shield’ was always designed for Russia.
Date With Destiny: Is Independence for Eastern Ukraine a ‘Done Deal’?
Andrew McKillop | No amount of kicking, crying, or screaming from Washington or London can change the fact that Eastern Ukraine will eventually win some level recognition.
The Odessa Cover-Up: Washington and Kiev’s Crime Against Humanity
William Boardman | Washington and EU double agenda typifies the culture of shallowness and moral relativism which has redefined the proxy war.
Episode #33 – SUNDAY WIRE – ‘The West’s New Global Soviet’ with Pepe Escobar, Brian Gerrish and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE | What is really behind the West’s to homogenise their world at home and away?
BASIL VALENTINE: Why Do UKIP & Scottish Independence So Terrify the Globalists?
Basil Valentine | Globalist hyperbole indicates paranoia, but why?
The Death of Capital: What’s Really Behind Thomas Piketty’s Economic Zeitgeist
Andrew McKillop | Yes, of course it has to collapse one day, but the elite hope is it won’t be today.
‘Nulandistan’ in Ukraine: Cross Talk guest Patrick Henningsen explains how the West spins
Cross Talk on RT | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen in London joins Moscow’s live debate via satellite.
Darth Vader Economics: Why the Banksters Want Inflation
Andrew McKillop | Central bankers have descended even deeper into their private fetish economy.