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ANOTHER AMERICAN KNOWN WOLF? Fort Lauderdale Shooter Known to FBI, Worked for Security, Amid Backdrop of Mass Drills

Shawn Helton | More than meets the eye in the case of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooter.

TURKISH NIGHTCLUB SHOOTING: Gunman Allegedly Dressed as ‘Santa’ Kills 39, ISIS Story Doesn’t Add-up

Shawn Helton | A nightclub shooting attack in Istanbul on New Year’s Eve doesn’t quite add up.

ACTIVE SHOOTER OR DRILL? The Cascade Mall Shooting

21WIRE + Memory Hole | The Cascade Mall shooting appears to be another strange ‘active shooter’ crime.

Daily Shooter Academy: Florida Woman Shot Dead by Police During ‘Roleplay’ Drill

Daily Shooter | A woman is tragically shot dead by a police officer during a ‘civics’ class. What have we learned?

(VIDEO) ‘Active Shooter’ and ‘Terror’ Drills: The Truth WILL Shock You

DAILY SHOOTER | THIS VIDEO WILL SHATTER YOUR REALITY: America’s bizarre obsession with ‘active shooter drills’ and ‘mass shootings’ has gone too far.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue