Miles Elliott | After 16 years, more troops are about to be deployed and the war ramped up for a fourth time. What could go right?
HAWK OR NOT? Is Trump Expanding the Wars?
21WIRE | Getting the White House to decouple from Pentagon group-think may prove to be too hard a task for a President who is desperate for poll rating and a win, any win.
The Western ‘Justice’ System: Based on a “Might makes Right” Mafia Ideology
Andre Vltchek | In a world ruled by brutal and unbridled imperialism, the only honorable place to dwell in is jail
Washington’s “Jihadi Express”: Indonesia – Afghanistan – Syria – Philippines
Andre Vltchek | Washington’s Jihadi express has crushed so many countries under its wheels..
Washington’s Criminal Activities Are Only Getting Messier
Martin Berger + New Eastern Outlook | Without an independent audit, the amount of mercs working in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria is currently unknown.
US Drops Non Nuke MOAB In Afghanistan – First Time Combat Use
21WIRE + RT | The United States has just launched the GBU-43/B non nuclear MOAB in Afghanistan.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Air America: The CIA’s Secret Airline’ (2000)
SUNDAY SCREENING | ‘Air America’ is one of the most clandestine operations in CIA history.
AFGHANISTAN: A Stunning but Terribly Scarred and Injured Land
Andre Vltchek | The NATO legacy: ‘Misery is everywhere, destroying the country’
Open Letter to the Global War Hawks ~ Jurgen Todenhofer
Jurgen Todenhofer + William Blum | Passionate appeal to the NATO & Gulf state, creators of global terrorism
Five Things To Look Out For With Trump’s Pentagon
The Hill | Although he had some great ideas on the campaign trail, still expect the war hawks and the Israeli Lobby to gradually nudge the new President, and reshape Trump’s foreign policy direction.
EXPOSED: The Anti-Anti-War ‘Left’ as an Obstacle to Peace and Advocate for War
Jean Bricmont | The anti anti-war Left destroys all resistance to war and real imperialism.
Father of Orlando Shooter is Long-time CIA Asset
21WIRE + Mad Cow | Many things are just not right with this story, including the father of the alleged shooter.
SUNDAY SCREENING: Afghan Overdose – Inside the Opium Trade
SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s featured documentary selection, curated by our editorial team.
Suicide Bomber Detonates Too Early, Accidentally Kills 7 Fellow Terrorists
21WIRE | The vast majority of ‘terrorists’ are completely incompetent, so why are we giving up our rights?
AVAAZ: The Progressive’s Honey Trap and Advocates of ‘Bombs for a Better World’
John Hanrahan | Avaaz promote “bombing for a better world” while calling for Palestinian Statehood. Hypocrisy or progressive manipulation?
‘Arrogant, Needy, Slow’ – British Military Report Blasts Own Generals for Afghan Failure
RT | “There is an underlying feeling that British command ‘arrogance’ hampered relationships and led to some frustrations on the ground.”
O’Bomber: US Airstrike Obliterates Hospital in Afghanistan, Casualty Numbers Rising
21WIRE + NBC | US officials are struggling to spin this latest civilian mass killing.
NATO’s Epic Fail: Taliban Retake Major Hub of Kunduz in Afghanistan
21WIRE | How long before people wise-up to the 15 year-long fraud in Afghanistan?
Weighing Up Pros and Cons: U.S. Considered Nuking Afghanistan After 9/11
Stuart J. Hooper | This would have led to a very different course of history.