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The spread of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease around the world has triggered reactionary government policies which have seriously impacted numerous countries, societies, and economies, as well as shutting down most religious, cultural and sporting events. Learn more about this epidemic and see a number of serious challenges to the official narrative here...


How Deadly is COVID? Real Science vs Media Hype

Chris Lonsdale | Given what the data now tells us, it is time to stop the panicking and let go of the fear.

UKC News: The Government Won’t Let Go of Its Pandemic Power

UKC News | Co-host Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

Covid Online Schooling: ‘This Year Has Been a Disgrace’

21WIRE | The reality is that very little ‘learning’ actually takes place.

Former Pfizer VP: “The thing to be terrified of is your government’

The High Wire | Dr. Yeadon breaks down his “list of lies” that government and media have been pushing since day one of the ‘pandemic.’

INTERVIEW: Eric Clapton Opens Up On the Pandemic

Oracle Films | Rock icon speaks candidly about the trials and tribulations of COVID, lockdown, and the vaccines. 

High Priest of ‘The Science’ Whitty Decrees: ‘Children Need Covid Jabs to Avoid More School Closures’

21WIRE | Absent any meaningful regulatory oversight, who is left to restrain government and Big Pharma?

The New Irish Soviet: State Bans Seniors from Traveling Until They’ve Had ‘Second Dose’ of AstraZeneca Jab

21WIRE | This level of medical fascism and hysteria is unprecedented – and the political ramifications will be brutal.

UKC News: Biden, Boris at G7, Plan to ‘Vaccinate the World’

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen for the end of week news round-up.

Foo Fighters, Springsteen, Strokes Only Allowing ‘Fully Vaccinated’ to Attend NY Shows

21WIRE | You must show proof you’ve been ‘fully vaccinated’ in order to enter the venue to watch these rock idols.

Vernon Coleman: ‘Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | Establishment politicians, ‘public health experts’ and media have all lied about the risks involved with giving children the experimental COVID injection.

Dr Andy Kaufman: The Problem with ‘The Science’ of COVID Virology

Dr. Sam Bailey | Challenging ‘The Science’ of modern virology and fraudulent testing methods being used to create data-driven ‘pandemics.’

Brian Gerrish speaks to Reiner Fuellmich: ‘Our oppressors are very frightened people’

Corona Ausschuss | Testimony on government’s psychological operations used against the British public.

Pharma’s ‘Record-Breaking’ Vaccines (For All the Wrong Reasons)

Dr Joseph Mercola | More medical professionals are blowing the whistle on the experimental jab, with government officials now panicking as the horrific results continue to pour in.

VIDEO: What You Need to Know About Those Vaccines (But Were Afraid to Ask)

21WIRE | Are officials underplaying the risk of the jabs, while overplaying the risks of getting ill or dying from COVID-19?

Under Duress: Are Coerced COVID-19 Vaccinations Proportionate?

Chris Lonsdale | The mantra that ‘vaccines are safe and effective’ is being repeated, but why are authorities deploying so many coercive tactics to sell the idea to the public?

UKC News: ‘Fauci’s Pseudo-Pandemic’ with guest Dolores Cahill

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen joined by special guest Dr. Dolores Cahill.

Despite Vaccine Passport Set-Backs, EU Moves Ahead With New ‘Digital ID Wallet’

21WIRE | EU citizens will supposedly receive a “greater flexibility, ideal for post-pandemic life.” Or is this just the final step to a vaccine passport?

CJ Hopkins: Covidian Push Toward a New Totalitarian ‘Normal’

21WIRE | American playwright warns that the post-COVID ‘New Normal’ is increasingly precarious.

America’s Top Nursing Home Killers: Cuomo and Whitmer Try to Avoid Accountability

Washington Examiner | It’s the question everyone is asking in Michigan now: Is Gretchen Whitmer the Andrew Cuomo of the Midwest?

New Scientific Finding Identifies Possible Mechanism for Vaccine Blood Clots

21WIRE | Shocking new findings put mothers and infants at severe risk from ‘emergency’ vaccine.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue