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What happened in 2016? Depending on which side you were rooting for, you'll have adopted a selective memory as to why you gal lost, or your guy won. 21WIRE's 2016 Election archive contains many of the real truths and insights into why the result went the way it did. In the end, the entire corporate mainstream media got it completely wrong, while we got it right...

Tucker Carlson slams Vox.com over ‘Fake News’

Tucker Carlson | Watch out: the corporate mainstream giants are creating their own fake ‘alternative media’ as well.

Globalization’s Inside Man: The Problem with David Petraeus in Trump’s Cabinet

21WIRE + Consortium News | If you’re going to “drain the swamp” then don’t let a 500lb crocodile loose into the marshes.

WAR ON WORDS: Facebook Censorship Widens, Website to Curate ‘Favored’ News

21WIRE + Business Insider | Facebook’s assault on alternative media continues – as a new censorship regime comes into play.

Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Ray McGovern – Podesta Emails Leaked, Not ‘Hacked’

Patrick Henningsen LIVE | Former CIA analyst explains what the Podesta emails were really about.

Washington Post Sloppy ‘Journalism’ Blames Russia for “Fake News” Crisis and Trump’s Win, While Pushing Neo-McCarthyism

Patrick Henningsen | Here is a good example of “fake news” put out by America’s supposed ‘paper of record.’

Hell Comes to Frogtown: Alt Right and Triumph of Transhumanism

Branko Malić | While Richard Spencer’s half-joke of hailing Donald Trump with Roman salute rose a lot of dust, some remarks in his NPI speech point into rather sinister direction. A posthuman one.

Rappoport: President-Elect Gives Media ‘Stars’ a Dressing-down at Trump Tower

Jon Rappoport | America’s mainstream media are currently lost inside of their own bubble.

Hillary Clinton Supporters Now Calling for a Recount of Votes in Battleground States

21WIRE + The Guardian | Before the election, Democrats were accusing Trump and the GOP of this same act.

Trump Transition: As Secretary of State, Tulsi Gabbard offers potential for peace with Syria, Russia

Patrick Henningsen | It’s a long shot, but she has the potential to mend a fractured Middle East and also revamp relations with Russia.

Establishment’s ‘Fight’ Against “Fake News” is a Covert War on Free Speech

Patrice Greanville | This latest CBS pro-censorship report may be a harbinger of things to come.

New York Times is Advocating for Internet Censorship (controlled by them and other ‘approved’ agents)

Robert Parry | The New York Times now wants a system of censorship for the Internet – to block what it calls “fake news,” even when the Times ignores its own shameful record of publishing outright “fake news.”

Hillary Clinton’s ‘KKK’ Smear Against Trump was Democrat Strategy

William McGurn | Branding their political opponents as racists is a time-honored tradition of the Democratic party.

Globalization: The Expressway to Universal Slavery

Gilbert Mercier | The elite’s push towards a supranational global government has hit a bump in the road to Utopia.

The Queen Will Invite President Trump to Windsor

Times of London | “She is our secret weapon,” say ministers.

Robert Parry: What to Do About ‘Fake News’

Robert Parry | A pushback is coming to the Internet’s success in giving the world access to diverse opinions and dissenting information. Politicians, mainstream media and Silicon Valley moguls are now taking aim at what they call “fake news.”

Good Riddance: James Clapper Resigns as Director of US Intelligence

21WIRE + The Duran | Clapper should be remembered as the man who lied to the American people and gave shady credence to some of Washington’s wildest conspiracy theories.

Dyer: ‘LA Times ‘Fake News’ Article is an Attack on Independent Media’

Jay Dyer | It’s absurd that the most astounding liars on the planet, the Mainstream Media, are accusing websites like ours as pushing “fake news.”

E.T. Williams: ‘Anti Trump Protesters, Your Revolution is Fake’

E.T. Williams | As each day passes, it’s becoming harder to take the ‘anti-Trump’ protests seriously.

SHIFTING PARADIGM: You’ll Only Understand Trump and Brexit If You Understand the Failure of Globalization

21WIRE + Washington’s Blog | It’s hard to not to draw a comparison between the Brexit referendum and the stunning victory of Donald Trump.

ANARCHY BY DESIGN: ‘Anti-Trump’ Flash Mobs, Hollywood and The Wall Street War Chest

Shawn Helton | President-elect Donald Trump is facing a wave of organized opposition prior to moving into the White House, as George Soros stirs up an embryonic ‘color revolution’ in America.

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