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Hillary Clinton’s ‘KKK’ Smear Against Trump was Democrat Strategy

William McGurn | Branding their political opponents as racists is a time-honored tradition of the Democratic party.

The Great Con: Has Political Correctness Marginalized the Working Class?

Charles Hugh Smith | When elite “progressives” warn against “reversing 40 years of social progress,” what they’re really saying is they’re terrified that the bottom 95% might be waking up to their scam.

Henningsen on Trump’s Foreign Policy: Russia, Syria, Iran and Cabinet Neocons

Patrick Henningsen | Trump’s Cabinet picks will be a mine field for his plans to introduce a ‘common sense’ foreign policy.

Globalization: The Expressway to Universal Slavery

Gilbert Mercier | The elite’s push towards a supranational global government has hit a bump in the road to Utopia.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘In Debt We Trust’ (2007)

SUNDAY SCREENING | If you think that your credit has taken over your life then you need to watch this film.

Episode #161 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Fake News’ & The Purple Revolution – with guests Gilbert Mercier and Jay Dyer

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

The Queen Will Invite President Trump to Windsor

Times of London | “She is our secret weapon,” say ministers.

Robert Parry: What to Do About ‘Fake News’

Robert Parry | A pushback is coming to the Internet’s success in giving the world access to diverse opinions and dissenting information. Politicians, mainstream media and Silicon Valley moguls are now taking aim at what they call “fake news.”

CNN in a Panic Over Assad Success, Collapse of ‘White Helmets’ Narrative, Fumbling Over ‘Humanitarian Organizations’

Brandon Turbeville | You have to hand it to CNN for consistency at least. Cutting edge propaganda, however, is not the corporation’s strong suit – it has resulted in an epic fail.

Good Riddance: James Clapper Resigns as Director of US Intelligence

21WIRE + The Duran | Clapper should be remembered as the man who lied to the American people and gave shady credence to some of Washington’s wildest conspiracy theories.

‘Moderate Rebels’ Slaughter Syrian Civilian Protesters Trying to Escape East Aleppo

21WIRE + RT | US-backed militants are tightened their control over public spaces and mosques, growing more paranoid by the day.

Dyer: ‘LA Times ‘Fake News’ Article is an Attack on Independent Media’

Jay Dyer | It’s absurd that the most astounding liars on the planet, the Mainstream Media, are accusing websites like ours as pushing “fake news.”

E.T. Williams: ‘Anti Trump Protesters, Your Revolution is Fake’

E.T. Williams | As each day passes, it’s becoming harder to take the ‘anti-Trump’ protests seriously.

Soros, the Purple Revolution and The Caviar Eating Fake Left

Gilbert Mercier | Soros drives the ‘Caviar Left’ to the brink of obsolescence.

WHITE HELMETS: NATO’s Finest Terrorist-Linked ‘First Responders’ Shamelessly Promoted by Georgetown University

J Michael Springmann | Terrorist-linked White Helmets take centre stage at Georgetown University.

‘Trumping’ America’s Liberal Elite: The Failure of Political Correctness

Kirsten Powers | The rebellion of Americans who felt the constant assault by a cultural elite who treat them with contempt.

Philosopher Slavoj Žižek: ‘The American Left Lacks Authenticity’

Slavoj Žižek | Why is the American left are still blaming Donald Trump for their own political implosion?

REALIST PERSPECTIVE: President Trump, How & Why…

Jonathan Pie | If liberal America is genuinely serious about reversing their political fortunes, then they might consider watching this video.

Moscow: Samples Taken in Aleppo Prove US, Saudi-Backed ‘Moderate Rebels’ Used Chlorine Munitions

21WIRE + Syria Times | All this time, Washington and London have been keen to conceal their proxies’ use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Five Things To Look Out For With Trump’s Pentagon

The Hill | Although he had some great ideas on the campaign trail, still expect the war hawks and the Israeli Lobby to gradually nudge the new President, and reshape Trump’s foreign policy direction.

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