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Common Sense Case Against Mandatory Experimental COVID Vaccine

As the government’s long-running ‘pandemic’ narrative moves into the Christmas period, politicians and government health officials are anxious to declare victory over the virus with an announcement of a vaccine panacea, but citizens and civil rights group are now seriously questioning whether or not a COVID-19 vaccine could ever be mandatory. In addition to this, medical doctors are now breaking their unofficial code of silence on the issue which has been brutally enforced by the transnational pharmaceutical industry which is manufacturing the vaccines.

One such person is Dr. Leland Stillman, who recent spoke with LifeSite about this issue while attending the recent “March Against Mandates” in Richmond, Virginia, last week.

Dr. Stillman said that the one-size-fits-all approach which is typical to government and pharma-led ‘health solutions’ actually “serves certain special interests.”

Stillman, a speaker at the event, said that “it’s quite clear from the data” that COVID-19 “is not nearly as virulent or deadly as it was made out to be originally.”

Stillman said he believes that any COVID-19 vaccine should not be mandatory, and that getting people to take it in large numbers really “serves certain special interests.”

He also decried the ‘political theater’ surrounding the coronavirus, reiterating that the virus “is not nearly as virulent or deadly as it was made out to be originally.”

The doctor went on to stress the importance of maintaining overall good health including eating well, and a low stress lifestyle as being the main determining factors of how successful any immune system will be fighting off any virus – no matter how many vaccinations a person has been given.

Watch this incredibly honest and informative interview:

NOTE: The original video was banned by YouTube, and the tech giant even went so far as to delete the entire channel of LifeSiteNews, an established media organization. That’s how much of a threat this type of honest true speech posed to the US establishment. 

READ MORE COVID NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID Files




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