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Marco Rubio Sends ‘Bloody Gaddafi’ Tweet, ‘High on Imperialism’ and Still on Twitter

A sitting U.S. Senator, Marco Rubio, is running around like a cowboy threatening people in Venezuela. In his latest tirade, Rubio sent a tweet containing a before and (bloody) after image of Muammar Gaddafi – seen as a graphic ‘warning’ to Venezuela’s President, Nicolás Maduro.

Say Hello to Little Marco - High on Imperialism

Previously, the unhinged senator from Florida tweeted at a general in the Venezuelan military, threatening “you should think very carefully about the actions you take over the next few days in #Venezuela. Because your actions will determine how you spend the rest of your life. Do you really want to be more loyal to #Maduro than to your own family?”

21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen commented on this out-of-control behavior on yesterday’s Sunday Wire Radio Show. Rubio’s Twitter account is still active after what looks like a brazen violation of its terms of service. Nothing good can come from “Little Marco’s” idea of diplomacy, except maybe the end of his career.

More on this story from Antiwar.com…

Most everything Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) does these days is related to his self-appointed position as a top leader of the US push for regime change in Venezuela. His decision to Tweet a before and after picture of former dictator Moammar Gadhafi is being seen in that context.

Gadhafi was violently overthrown in 2011 in a US-backed push for regime change. He was ultimately caught by US-backed rebels and publicly killed. Rubio’s Tweet is seen as a “warning” to Venezuela’s President Maduro, who the US is in the process of trying to overthrow.

At best it would be a threat to see Maduro killed Gadhafi-style, or potentially an end-game goal for the Rubio-led push, with US-imposed regime change almost certain to include a violent death for a perceived enemy.

Though Rubio says he previously wanted the US “solution” to Venezuela to be non-military, he now believes that ousting Maduro is important enough that a “very strong argument” can be made to send the military in.

READ MORE VENEZUELA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Venezuela Files




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