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UK COLUMN: UK F-35 Roll-out, Big Pharma Paid-for Guardian Content, Spooks Recruit 60,000 ‘Cyber Jugend’

This week reveals a number of new stories that further demonstrate the creeping drift by Big Gov and Big Corporate towards a full-blown fascist state.

Watch as UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen for the early week news round-up…

START – 21 Wire: Sunday Wire show episode 250 UK Column article: UK Corporate Media: Social Media Platforms Must Pay Glaxo SmithKline pays for Guardian article: Vaccination in adults… Is ethical journalism disappearing…? MSM renting out platform to highest bidder Public Health England: Flu vaccine essential for pregnant women Flu death statistics being manipulated – there is no honest referee Internet censorship: Pinterest website removes Vaccine Information board… Good vaccine articles: Europereloaded.com and libertybeacon.com
15:35 – Media on Trial event: 28 October, Liverpool
17:10 – Government decides to build the Hitler Youth: what is Cyberfirst…? Cyberfirst looking to take on ‘cadets’ to join GCHQ…the militarisation of civilian life 60,000 young people per year to be taken on…an offensive program…? Gavin Williamson (minister of war) gets excited
20:23 – F-35B fighter: two planes land on HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier F-35B completely outclassed by latest hypersonic Anti-Aircraft missiles Britain develops Defence Arctic Strategy – more Williamson excitement… Is Russia really militarising the Arctic…? Government hypocrisy on show
28:17 – Sputnik: EU states ready to finance disarming of militants in Syria… EU and others are losers of the Syrian war – should pay reparations Russia’s Lavrov: there is talk that Syrian Jihadis will be sent off to other hotspots Russian S300 Anti-aircraft missile system now being delivered to Syria Lavrov criticises Western assertions of blame: the notorious ‘highly likely’ Ukraine: Let terrorists and their patrons be warned about further chemical attacks History is being whitewashed in the west on a regular basis Obama’s government went into partnership with neo-nazis: the end justifies the means
37:23 – Nick Clegg is back: wants to be Prime Minister and stop Brexit…





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