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The BBC and David Icke’s ‘Reptilian’ Comments

21st Century Wire says…

Controversial pundit David Icke recently made headlines for a new appearance on the BBC where host of This Week, Andrew Neil, confronted Icke about his beliefs on this unconventional subject.

When Neil asks the question: “Do you still think the Royal Family were shape shifting lizards?” – to which David replied: “Yes, I do.”

In the following 30 minute presentation, Icke explains the reasons behind his views on the ‘reptilian’ issue, tracing idea’s lineage back to a series of biblical and historical accounts which depict humanity supposedly interacting with ‘non-human’ entities. Watch:

Is there any validity to Icke’s claims, or is he a raving conspiracy theorist? Leave your comments below…

SEE MORE BBC NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire BBC Files



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