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Mystery Cell Towers: Another Outsourced Spy-Tech Program?

21st Century Wire says…

At first glance, this story sounded like something from the fringe, but on closer examination it turns out to be very real indeed.

Earlier this week VentureBeat reported about mysterious “interceptor” cell towers revealed in a Popular Science article “are grabbing phone calls — but they’re not part of the phone networks.”

VB’s report also cited telecom experts saying “the towers don’t appear to be projects of the National Security Agency (NSA).”

And that could very well be true — at least not directly. We don’t have to remind readers (but we will anyway) that spy tech programs are regularly outsourced by the U.S. intelligence community.

IMAGE: Navigating the dark matter of government subcontractor culture.

BTW, for starters, there’s Booz Allen Hamilton, contractor for the NSA and recent employer of Edward Snowden. How about NSA-FBI-CIA-funded Palantir Technologies? Palantir’s Founder and CEO Alex Karp is also a tech Bilderberger. The DHS even solicited corporate bids for a national license-plate tracking program. The list goes on…

And the mystery deepens, yes indeed…

Who is putting up ‘interceptor’ cell towers? The mystery deepens


Mysterious “interceptor” cell towers in the USA are grabbing phone calls — but they’re not part of the phone networks. And, two experts told VentureBeat today, the towers don’t appear to be projects of the National Security Agency (NSA).

The towers were revealed by Les Goldsmith to Popular Science last week. He’s CEO of ESD America, which builds the super-secure Cryptophone 500 for clients that need the military-grade security and can handle the phone’s estimated $3,500 price tag.

In the course of testing the phone, Goldsmith’s team discovered the existence of phone cell towers that intercept a call and hand it off to the real network — allowing the tower to listen in or load spyware to the mobile device…

Read more at VentureBeat

 21st Century Wire NSA Files



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