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Episode #002 – SUNDAY WIRE with Patrick Henningsen and guests Andrew McKillop and Shawn Helton

SUNDAY-WIRE-web-smallSunday August 25th is episode No.2 of the Sunday Wire Radio Show hosted by Patrick Henningsen on the Guerilla Media Network

This week’s guests are all persons of note, as we meet 21st Century Wire’s own Shawn Helton – a writer and artist who will develop the previous guest’s take on the scene, and Basil Valentine for this week’s latest political and paranormal shockers, and finally – writer and economist, Andrew McKillop, author of The Doomsday Machine to get the real scoop on Fukushima’s meltdown and the nuclear industry as a whole.

You can watch and listen at 10am -12pm PST/ 1pm-3pm EST/ 6pm-8pm GMT/BST on the live video stream below

Show topic links:

The Propaganda Machine: The ‘Deen-Martin’ Psyop Shoots T.V. Zombies

DOJ wants Bush, Senior White House members exempt from ‘war crimes’ in Iraq

Iranian Uranium Export Scheme Another ‘Manufactered’ Bust?

Anti-Stand Your Ground PSA Video a ‘gross’ violation of liberty

A Nightmare for Life in the Pacific Ocean: Fukushima disaster still ‘unfolding’

An Independent Army: It’s the poets who ‘destroy’ the old order

Lost Obama footage reveals push towards ‘Common Ground’ collectivist ideology

Time Magazine reporter Grunwald calls for ‘deadly’ drone strike on Wikileaks’ Assange

Glenn Danzig: Democrats are ‘fascists’ disguised as liberals

Shawn Helton’s SoundCloud Page: “The Bird Mask”

The Doomsday Machine: The High Price of Nuclear Energy, the World’s Most Dangerous Fuel by Martin Cohen and Andrew McKillop



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