21st Century Wire says…
Another carefully orchestrated sting operation, this time by Homeland Security…
On Wednesday afternoon, 33 year-old Patrick Campbell was arrested inside a terminal at John F. Kennedy International Airport for reportedly traveling with uranium samples hidden inside his luggage.
Campbell is also being charged with a violation of the Emergency Economic Powers Act, an act which has enabled sanctions against Iran. Apparently, Campbell was closing a deal for the Sierra Leone mining firm called Horizon limited, which deals in chromite, gold, diamonds, as well as uranium. Investigators suggest that Campbell was in the process of negotiating a high stakes uranium sale on behalf of Iran.
Manufacturing the Deal
The alleged plot we’re told involved the future sale of a 1000 tons of “yellowcake” uranium, due for shipment to Iran. A Homeland Security investigator posted an advert seeking the purchase of uranium 308, otherwise known as yellowcake, on a Chinese hosted site called Alibaba.
Historically, many law enforcement agencies have knowingly helped facilitate terror plots, only to later put a stop to events they helped create.
Is this the case with Patrick Campbell?
Let’s examine some of the most recent plots that were aided and abetted by the FBI.
In April of 2012, a New York Times article titled “Terrorist Plots, Hatched by FBI” outlined the recent history of plots created and foiled by the agency themselves:
“THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.”
Continuing, the article names federal agencies as the true culprit:
“But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.”
There are many factors to consider to determine if an event is a staged plot.
Who stands to benefit?
This latest design seems deliberately crafted to implicate Iran for its much propagandized “nuclear ambitions.”
The timing of any event is key.
The timing of Campbell’s arrest couldn’t be more dubious, as Syria’s Bashar Al Assad, has once again been charged with using chemical weapons without any concrete evidence. In the last 24 hours, alternative media cycles have been a blaze, stamping out the false chemical weapons narrative that has yet to gain public traction in the way that the Kuwait incubator lie did 1990.
Was the JFK uranium bust used as a distraction for the real crimes against humanity taking place in Syria by the hands of western funded terror groups?
Why would Campbell need to meet in the US if he was selling uranium to Iran?
In a bizarre twist, the official documents displaying the charges against Campbell, reveal that there is no record for a Patrick Campbell at Horizon Limited in Sierra Leone…
IMAGE: Uranium 3O8 (also known as yellowcake)
Flier Busted For Iranian Uranium Export Scheme
The Smoking Gun
AUGUST 22–A foreigner who agreed to sell undercover Homeland Security agents 1000 tons of yellowcake uranium for shipment to Iran was arrested yesterday when he flew into the United States with uranium samples hidden inside the soles of shoes in his luggage, The Smoking Gun has learned.
A 15-month sting operation concluded Wednesday afternoon with the arrest of Patrick Campbell inside a terminal at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Campbell traveled to New York from Paris on an Air France flight. It is unclear where Campbell is being held, or when he will make an appearance in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn.
In communications with an undercover agent, Campbell said he was affiliated with a Sierra Leone firm that mined and exported uranium, chromite, gold, and diamonds from the western Africa nation.
Campbell was arrested for knowingly brokering material that was destined for Iran in violation of the Emergency Economic Powers Act and the Iranian Transaction Regulations, according to a felony complaint filed today. When taken into custody, Campbell had a connecting ticket to Miami, where he had arranged to meet with an undercover agent.
The federal probe began in May 2012, when an investigator posted an advertisement on the web site alibaba.com seeking the purchase of yellowcake uranium (which is also known as Uranium 3O8). Alibaba.com is a China-based site that helps small businesses worldwide arrange cross-border transactions.
As detailed in the criminal complaint, when yellowcake uranium (seen above) is further processed, it “becomes enriched Uranium and can be used in the manufacture of nuclear fuel and can also be used in nuclear weapons.” As such, U.S. laws bar the supply of such material to Iran, whose leaders have spoken frequently about their nuclear ambitions.
In response to the online ad, Campbell contacted the undercover agent and “expressed interest in selling U3O8 from Sierra Leone.” The agent represented himself as “an American broker representing the interests of individuals in Iran” seeking to purchase yellowcake uranium.
In a series of e-mails, telephone calls, and Skype chats over the ensuing months, Campbell and the undercover agent discussed the uranium deal. While noting that it was a “delicate business transaction” since the material was destined for Iran, Campbell assured the agent that the shipment from Sierra Leone “will not be a problem and that he will mix the Uranium with Chromite Ore to disguise it.” He added that his firm had previously sold yellowcake to China and Ecuador.
The proposed transaction, which dragged on for more than a year, picked up speed earlier this month when Campbell secured a visa to travel to the U.S.. According to a Department of State database, Campbell claimed that he was a social worker traveling to New York to participate in a United Nations conference
In advance of his departure for the U.S., Campbell e-mailed the undercover agent a contract for the sale of 1000 tons of yellowcake uranium. He told the agent that he would spend a week in the country so that he could meet with him “and the buyers to complete the contract.”
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