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DOJ wants Bush, Senior White House members exempt from ‘war crimes’ in Iraq

21st Century Wire says… 

It seems that each new president is more complicit in war crimes than the last…

George W. Bush and his Senior cabinet members seek exemption status for war crimes against Iraq…

Back in March, Sundus Saleh, an Iraqi refugee and mother of three, filed a complaint through a San Francisco federal court claiming the invasion of Iraq can be judged as a ‘crime of aggression’ , according to the legal precedent set by the Nuremberg Tribunal that convicted Nazi war criminals after WW2.

It appears as though the DOJ have come to the rescue for another criminal enterprise, this time its former President Bush and his neo-con gang that abused international law with their invasion of Iraq on false claims of WMDs being obtained there.

Shortly after 9/11, we were told that Saddam Hussein was well on his way to procuring a weapon of mass destruction and it was necessary for the US to invade Iraq over fraudulent documents claiming Hussein was to purchase “Yellowcake” Uranium from Niger. For anyone who was clued in at the time, this was a strange turn of events, as Hussein was a known CIA asset who had dutifully carried out globalist designs by engaging in a savage war with Iran and buying into a divisive geo-strategic plan from US insiders.

Sound familiar, It should, the US has often used certain geo-political ties to carry out an agenda, later condemning or framing that same geo-strategic partner who helped the them the first place. Osama Bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi were both on the receiving end of this kind of partnership.

Looking back on past invasions and proxy wars gives us a greater perspective on the current situation being fraudulently pursued in Syria…

IMAGE: Dick Cheney – an Architect of Invasion

DOJ wants Bush, Senior cabinet members exempt from Iraq War trial

Russia Today

The United States Department of Justice has requested that former President George W. Bush and the highest figures in his administration receive full exemption from being tried for the Iraq War, which the DOJ says was in line with international law.

Apart from Bush, the names listed in the paper the DOJ filed on Tuesday are former Vice President Richard Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, retired four-star General Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice and former Deputy Secretary of Defense and President of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz. 

Sundus Saleh, an Iraqi single mother of three who became a refugee, filed a complaint in March in the San Francisco federal court, claiming that the war in her country can be judged as a ‘crime of aggression’, according to the same legal standards that the Nuremberg Tribunal used for convicting Nazi war criminals of World War II.

Saleh is the lead plaintiff in this class action lawsuit. 

The reason for the decision is connected with the ‘Westfall Act’ certification. The 1988 law gives the Attorney General the power to personally decide whether the United States is actually a defendant in the case. This in turn allows the granting of absolute immunity to politicians for actions carried out while in the government’s employ.

Inder Comar of Comar Law has agreed to take the case. The San-Francisco-based firm normally specializes in support to private companies, particularly those in the tech industry. Comar met with Saleh at her home in Jordan to discuss the case. 

Chief counsel Comar wrote on the War Is a Crime website explaining that, “The DoJ claims that in planning and waging the Iraq War, ex-President Bush and key members of his Administration were acting within the legitimate scope of their employment and are thus immune from suit.”

The lawsuit filed by Saleh says that Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz orchestrated the Iraq War in 1998 as part of their involvement with the ‘Project for the New American Century’, a Washington DC-based non-profit organization that pushed for the overthrow of Iraq’s former leader, Saddam Hussein.

In this U.S. Marine handout picture, which was released on November 23, 2004, Iraqi Special Forces and U.S. Marines from the 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon, L Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division, conduct a security patrol towards the palm grove and clear buildings along the way in the war-torn city of Falluja. (Reuters/HO/USM/Lance Corporal James J. Vooris HH/JV)

In this U.S. Marine handout picture, which was released on November 23, 2004, Iraqi Special Forces and U.S. Marines from the 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon, L Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division, conduct a security patrol towards the palm grove and clear buildings along the way in the war-torn city of Falluja. (Reuters/HO/USM/Lance Corporal James J. Vooris HH/JV)

Salleh then alleges that the tragedy of September 11, 2001, was pitched to other members of the Bush cabinet as the perfect excuse to scare the American public into supporting the war in Iraq. The lawsuit also claims that the United States failed to obtain United Nations approval for the invasion, making it an illegal and aggressive act of war. 

According to Corey Hill, who is a member and outreach coordinator for Global Exchange, an international human rights organization, Comar Law is invoking something called the Alien Tort Statute, which is a 1789 law that permits a foreign national to sue the US federal court for injuries “committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States.” Hill explained this in his article for YES! Magazine, for which he also writes.

All the defendants in the case have been summoned to appear in accordance with the usual legal proceedings. The trial is expected to start in early 2014.

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