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Anti-Stand Your Ground PSA Video a gross violation of liberty

21st Century Wire says…

Gun control advocacy group, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has released a new PSA video depicting a deceptive re-enactment of  the Trayvon Martin shooting…

The new PSA by Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is irresponsible to say the least, as they’ve rewritten the events that led to the death of  Trayvon Martin. The creator of this video has consciously ignored fact-based forensic evidence from the incident, most notably that this was not a ‘Stand Your Ground’ case…

In an effort to further propagandize the death Martin, 26 apparent “victims” are seen at the end of the video, having presumably having met the same fate as Trayvon. 26 propaganda deaths for the 26 states with a version of the Stand Your Ground Law.

CSGV has deliberately distorted the public’s perception, manipulating the facts by depicting a different version that led to the death of Trayvon Martin, as stated by Watchdog Wire:

“This scene is factually incorrect. Nothing in the Zimmerman trial shows this scenario happened. What the evidence did show is that Zimmerman did not draw his weapon until after he was on the ground with Trayvon Martin on top punching him. One shot was fired, killing Martin in self-defense.”

Will the political opportunists make a video for the recently slain ‘white jogger’ Chris Lane, who was shot dead in Oklahoma?

There’s probably not enough divisive political capital for the usurpers of liberty to go to such lengths.

It seems the race-game by government and media is terribly one-sided, as they subjectively choose events to suit an overall agenda, omitting the truth.

Watch the gun control PSA below and see the over the top propaganda for yourself…

Anti-Stand Your Ground Video Misleading at Best

Dr. Richard Swier

Watchdog Wire

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has released a video (below) about Stand Your Ground laws. The video is misleading on at least two counts.

Amanda Terkel from the Huffington Post reports that CSGV Communications Director Ladd Everitt stated, ”‘Stand Your Ground’ laws have essentially legalized murder. With this PSA, we hope to add to the nationwide push to repeal these immoral laws.” There is no evidence that Florida’s Stand Your Ground law has “legalized murder” unless one defines “murder” as self-defense. George Zimmerman was accused of murder in the second degree. During the trial Circuit Judge Debra Nelson allowed the jury to consider the lesser charge of manslaughter. Zimmerman was acquitted on both charges.

The CSGV video begins with a man, apparently Zimmerman, on a cell phone watching another man in a hoodie across the street. In the video the man while on the cell phone after talking with the police (actual 911 audio of Zimmerman used), reaches inside his jacket apparently to pull a gun. This scene is factually incorrect. Nothing in the Zimmerman trial shows this scenario happened. What the evidence did show is that Zimmerman did not draw his weapon until after he was on the ground with Trayvon Martin on top punching him. One shot was fired, killing Martin in self-defense.

The premise of the video is misleading because Florida’s Stand Your Ground (SYG) law was never used in the defense of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was tried and found not guilty on all charges because he acted in self-defense.

The Tampa Bay Times reviewed all the cases in Florida where SYG was used as a legal defense. The research found that Blacks are more likely to be protected by SYG than whites. The Times review found no indication those using SYG as a defense “got away with murder”.

The Huffington Post’s article by Terkel on the video is also misleading.

Terkel states, “Zimmerman cited Florida’s Stand Your Ground law as justification for killing Martin and authorities initially refused to arrest him.” The Zimmerman defense team waived the use of SYG at the beginning of the trial. According to the CFS New 13 Zimmerman trial timeline, “Feb. 29, 2012 – Sanford police say George Zimmerman was ‘serving in the role of neighborhood watch’ when the shooting happened.”

Zimmerman was not arrested because during the review by law enforcement officials (the details of which came out during the trial) showed he committed no crime but acted in self defense…

Read more at Watchdog Wire

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