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Despite the multi-million dollar marketing campaigns by the pharmaceutical industry, and repeated assurances from politicians and government bureaucrats, there are still many serious questions regarding both the efficacy and safety of various vaccine products. This archive attempts to address some of these very crucial questions and concerns...

Big Pharma Gets ‘Legal Immunity’ From Future Lawsuits Over New Ebola Vaccine

21WIRE + Reuters | You will not be immune from Ebola, but Big Pharma will be immune from you.

Flu Shot Fail: Vaccine Chiefs Forced to Admit it Won’t Work

Mike Adams | Vaccines: One big guessing game, and it’s also a game of Russian Roulette.

USA Ebola Hoax Played to Hide a Dark Pharma Agenda

John P. Thomas | The Enterovirus D68 is much deadlier than Ebola in the US, and might just be the tip of a much bigger iceberg.

EBOLA HOAX EXPOSED: The Reality Behind America’s Dreadful Campaign Of Fear

Shawn Helton | Ebola is on the back-burner for now, but the idea of a pandemic is subliminally dialed into your psyche.

21st Century Eugenics: Population Reduction Done Through Vaccine Poisons

SARTRE | This endless list of vaccines is bringing home record profits, but will eventually kill off millions in the process.

WEAPONIZED: The Case For Ebola Coming From a Bioweapons Lab

Patrick Henningsen | Did Ebola really jump from African Fruit Bats to humans, or was it something else?

VIRAL SIEGE: Ebola Fear Campaign & Cover-Up Masks Truth About Outbreak

Shawn Helton | How much longer will the CDC and the United States government shield the public from reality?

Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’

21WIRE + Intellihub | It’s easy to see how something like Ebola could be used to fast-track long-term plans of the Establishment’s family cartels.

SICK HYPE: Ebola Fear Goes Viral Over ‘Patient Zero’ in Dallas

21WIRE + NO MORE FAKE NEWS | What’s behind the propagandized rise of Ebola?

CNN Leads Media Blackout of CDC Whistleblower’s Findings on Links to Autism

21WIRE + No More Fake News | Is this the CDC’s ‘Ed Snowden’ moment?

Eugenics Today: How Vaccines Are Used to Sterilize the Masses

Truthstream Media | This elitist project is disguised behind deceptive labels like “immunological contraceptive research”.

Polio Wars: Pakistani gunman shoots dead policeman protecting team of UN female vaccine workers

Mail Online | UN vaccines condemned by some Islamic groups who claim it is intended to sterilise Muslim children.


Patrick Lynch | Eye witness accounts from the last few days have fostered a wave of reports that ‘Chem-webs’, as well as heavy metals present in soil.

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