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Despite the multi-million dollar marketing campaigns by the pharmaceutical industry, and repeated assurances from politicians and government bureaucrats, there are still many serious questions regarding both the efficacy and safety of various vaccine products. This archive attempts to address some of these very crucial questions and concerns...

Henningsen: ‘Ramping-Up COVID Hysteria Again’

TNT Radio | Will the Democrats use the latest ‘variant’ to run mass mail-in voting for the 2024 election?

INTERVIEW: Alec Zeck – ‘The Real Virus is Fear’

TNT Radio | Tips for liberation from the medical-industrial trap which ensnared humanity.

Life’s Final Chapter: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, Poverty and the Shadow of COVID

Kristian James | Technocracy is rising. A cryptic way to save on the price of healthcare?

New Study: Heart-Scarring Found In Children Months After Receiving COVID Injection

21WIRE | More horrific revelations after government and Big Pharma target infants with their experimental products.

INTERVIEW: Luther – ‘Debunk the Junk (Science)’ – Vaccines & Masks

TNT Radio | Incredibly, MSM continues to deny deaths and injuries linked to the Covid jabs.

Dr. David Lloyd Defends Experimental mRNA Jab in Debate with Neil Oliver and MP Andrew Bridgen

GB News | A rare MSM debate over the safety and effectiveness of the problematic Covid ‘vaccines’.

EU Parliament: The People Pushback Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Tyranny

Patrick Henningsen | Launch of the European Citizens Initiative against the WHO global power-grab.

INTERVIEW: Alec Zeck – ‘The Viral Myth’

SUNDAY WIRE | Learning more about the upcoming virtual event, “The End of Covid”.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – Novak Djokovic is the G.O.A.T. + Biden Bribe Scandal

TNT Radio | Why “Novaxx” is the GOAT, and how will America flip the political coin between Trump and Biden scandals.

Corrupt Vaccine Firm BioNTech Hit With Multiple Compensation Lawsuits in Germany

21WIRE | The first of many legal actions which may ultimately break this and other corrupt pharmaceutical firms. 

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Shots: Eugencis to Pandemics’ (2021)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The shocking true history of vaccine fraud and medical malice.

INTERVIEW: Luther – ‘Debunk the Junk (Science)’ – Chasing the Invisible Virus

TNT Radio | Dismantling the ‘scientism’ still plaguing us post-Covid.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Meryl Nass – ‘Weaponization of Vaccine Industry’

TNT Radio | The weaponization of the vaccine industry and how our basic rights were dismantled during the ‘global pandemic’.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Dosed – Fentanyl & Opioid Epidemic Plague in America’ (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. 

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | A ground-breaking documentary fim – about people, not politics.

COVID Vaccine Mandates at Health Care and Other Institutions Are Being Struck Down Across US

21WIRE | Now that more people are aware of the government scam, the dominos are falling fast.

INTERVIEW: Luther – ‘Debunk the Junk (Science)’

TNT Radio | Dismantling the ‘scientism’ surrounding junk science from virology and Big Pharma.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Ahmad Malik – Fear Drove Covid Lockdowns and Vaccine Debacle

TNT Radio | During the Covid hysteria, we’ve lost nearly all of our basic principles of medical ethics.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. 

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Uniformed Consent’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Exposing the narrative that’s being used to strip us of our human rights and individual health choices.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue