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“Advise & Assist”: US Special Forces Photographed on Frontlines in Syria with Kurds

21st Century Wire says…

This takes the mission to ‘assist’ quite far indeed.

Watch a video of this report below, or here on Youtube:

US special forces soldiers have been caught on camera fighting on the front lines with the Kurds against ISIS in Syria.

The troops were spotted by an AFP photographer, who said there just over a dozen of them in the village of Fatisah; just 30 miles north of Raqqa.

Some of the troops are wearing plain clothes, while others are in military garb carrying the insignia of the Kurdish YPG:

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook admitted that:

“Our special operations forces in the past have, yes, worn insignias and other identifying marks with their partner forces,”

“They do what they can to blend in.”

However, he stressed:

“They are not on the forward line. They are providing advice and assistance, their advise-and-assist role has not changed.”

Cook couldn’t explain the difference between the forward line and the front line, saying:

“I don’t have a yardstick for you. This is a fluid situation.”

Unfortunately for the United States, there is absolutely nothing fluid about the fact that these troops are operating illegally in Syria as they do not have the explicit permission of the Syrian government to be there; unlike the Russians who did have such a mandate.

What do you think these special forces soldiers have been tasked with doing exactly?

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EVERYTHING ON US INVOLVEMENT IN SYRIA: 21st Century Wire Syrian Crisis Files



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