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North Korea Files

Is North Korea really the global threat which the US makes it out to be? What is the status of their nuclear weapons program? Can their missiles really hit the US? Who is Kim Jung-Un? Learn about where the fiction ends, and the facts begin here in our North Korea archives, complete with dozens of articles and videos on the DPRK...

Trump Bares Himself at UNGA, “In a Kind of Neocon Full Monte”

Robert Parry | Exploding the myth that he is at least a street-smart operator who can’t be easily conned.

The Rogue Regime in Washington Itching for War

Finian Cunningham | The only thing running out is the world’s tolerance for such American belligerence and arrogance.

Dr Bouthain Shaaban: ‘Catching a Glimpse of Tomorrow’s World’

Dr Shaaban | Envisaging a world free of racism, occupation and terrorism.

DPRK Defiant: ‘The More US Impose Sanctions, the Faster We Pursue Nukes’

21WIRE + RT | In this case, neocon war talk seems to be playing into the hands of Pyongyang, and the US defense industry.

NORTH KOREA: The US Again Underestimates its ‘Enemy’

21WIRE + Russian Insider | Russian media report on North Korea reveals a history being airbrushed by western media

A Lebanese Journalist’s Journey to North Korea – “Leave These People in Peace”

Al Akhbar | Look into the eyes of your beloved ones, finally see the depth of your own tragedy – and also begin to resist.

‘The Problem is not North Korea, Russia or China, the Problem is the US’ ~ John Pilger

21WIRE + RT | The US is the greatest threat to peace in the world today.

Henningsen: US on the Wrong Side of History in North Korea

Patrick Henningsen | Here’s why the US are the biggest obstacle to peace in the Pacific Rim.

Eva Bartlett in North Korea: ‘Yes, People Exist in Pyongyang’

Eva Bartlett | Dispelling the myth of a lack of people on the streets in Pyongyang.

Jimmy Carter: ‘Koreans Want Peace Treaty to Replace 1953 Ceasefire’

Carter Center | Reframing the current diplomatic crisis in North Korea is essential if genuine progress is to be made.

UK COLUMN: Eva Bartlett Travels to North Korea, MSM Fake War Photos, Tipperary Peace Prize Farce

UK Column News | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today’s international news round-up, joined by special guest Eva Bartlett.

UK COLUMN: North Korean Theatre, SAA Victory at Deir Ezzor, Big Brother Hates Encryption

UK Column News | UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by Patrick Henningsen with today’s international news wrap-up.

Trump Springs the Neocon Trap Again: North Korea’s ‘Test’ is No Act of War

Patrick Henningsen | Here we go again: the Pentagon and the MSM are ramping-up another staged military ‘crisis’ with North Korea.

Trump Stokes Korea Crisis As Cover for Trade War with China

Finian Cunningham | Trump’s attitude seems to be «never mind the collateral damage of a possible nuclear war»

North Korea: Will World War III Kick Off This Week?

Neil Clark | History of US attacks on “defenceless” nations, explains North Korea’s refusal to surrender nuclear deterrents

China Indicates That it Will Defend North Korea in Event of ‘US Invasion’

Alexander Mercouris | If US attacks North Korea – either as part of some ‘pre-emptive’ strategy or in order to achieve regime change there, China will come to North Korea’s defence.

North Korea and The Unintended Consequences of Trump

Patrick Henningsen | The level of political inertia for war is frankly disturbing.

UK COLUMN: Seth Rich, North Korea Fear-Mongering, UK Internet Censorship

UK Column News | Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Alex Thomson with today’s international news round-up.

Tillerson to North Korea: ‘We Are Not Your Enemy’ – US Seeks Dialogue, Not Regime Change

21WIRE + RT | The real question is: does North Korea actually have an operational nuclear weapons program.

The Real Reason Washington is Worried about North Korea’s ICBM Test

Stephen Gowans | Democracy on a global scale has just been given a boost

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