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REPORT: Comey’s ‘Stand Down’, Collusion with Senator ‘Killed’ WikiLeaks Deal

Lost in all of the Russiagate drama is the fact that ‘collusion’ has already been proven – just not in the way most Russiagaters can only dream about.

Earlier this week, award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon published a bombshell report for The Hill that effectively exposes elite fixer and former FBI director James Comey, and sitting Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), colluding with each other to intervene on a potential immunity deal for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

There’s also a great write-up and analysis of this story at Consortium News.

In Solomon’s report, he walks readers through a chronological timeline of events (supported by text messages and documents) that began in January of 2017, involving a pro-bono member of Assange’s legal team, justice department officials, Comey and Warner.

The pro-bono attorney in the matter, Adam Waldman, was attempting to broker a deal with the U.S. Government that would allow Assange “immunity and safe passage” in exchange for an opportunity to work with government officials on issues related to cybersecurity which included the redaction of highly sensitive soon-to-be-published materials about the CIA’s Vault 7 program.

Solomon also writes there was another offering by Assange that related to the DNC emails:

Not included in the written proffer was an additional offer from Assange: He was willing to discuss technical evidence ruling out certain parties in the controversial leak of Democratic Party emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election. The U.S. government believes those emails were hacked by Russia; Assange insists they did not come from Moscow.

Soon after the negotiations started to pick up steam, however, Comey voiced his ‘stand down’ order to Senator Warner who then relayed this message to Waldman:

“He told me he had just talked with Comey and that, while the government was appreciative of my efforts, my instructions were to stand down, to end the discussions with Assange,” Waldman said.

Then, on April 7, 2017, Assange released another Vault 7 document dump, the U.S. government backed out of the negotiations completely, and then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo called WikiLeaks a “hostile intelligence service.”

Not surprisingly, Assange’s mistrust grew over time and his interest in the deal eventually died too.

Read the full report at The Hill…

READ MORE RUSSIAGATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russiagate Files




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