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White Helmets Exploit Children to ‘Manufacture Consent’ for ‘Humanitarian’ War in Syria

The White Helmets endlessly filmed and photographed carrying lone children towards the camera in similar surroundings.

Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire

In Syria we are seeing the unprecedented use of children as propaganda tools to promote a “humanitarian” war to kill more children. No other organisation exploits images of children with such global impact as the NATO-member-state bankrolled White Helmets.

This child exploitation will one day be recognised as one of the most egregious crimes committed against the Syrian people, during this seven year conflict, by the US Coalition and its UK/US intelligence-created propaganda construct, the White Helmets.

Yesterday Peter Hitchens of the Daily Mail called out the BBC for the use of a “partial source” without informing its audience of the provenance of their report on Eastern Ghouta:

“I asked the BBC how they could justify using propaganda footage, allegedly from the Syrian town of Ghouta, on a major news bulletin without any indication that it came from a partial source. They admitted they had done this. They admitted that it was against their rules. But I did not get the impression they were all that bothered, and I would not be surprised to see such stuff again. The BBC ‘reports’ an awful lot of things from Syria which it has no way of checking, from supposed gas attacks by the Assad state to death tolls and films (generally of wounded children being rushed about the place by unarmed young men). It has completely abandoned any semblance of independence or impartiality. How then can it justify its licence fee, collected on these conditions?” (Emphasis added) 

A number of people on Twitter asked Hitchens if he would be disclosing the communications with the BBC:

UK Column also reported on Peter Hitchens’ article yesterday.

I have created a video which is a compilation taken from a vast archive of White Helmet images and videos, including the most recent ones allegedly filmed in Eastern Ghouta.

Children are undeniably bearing the brunt of the war that is raging in Syria. A war that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians and children. This war would not exist had the West not fomented it. All these lives could have been spared had the West not armed and financed the terrorist & extremist groups that have done their utmost to secure regime change and to tear apart the multi-faceted fabric of Syrian society.

The terrorist & “moderate” armed groups have failed, the West has failed, Turkey has failed, the Gulf States have failed, Israel has failed.

Children are dying every day in Syria, people are suffering terribly but in order to end this war, we must start to ask questions and to see through the lies. We are being presented with impactful images to manufacture consent for another “humanitarian” war – where are those images coming from? Who is producing them?

The Al Qaeda affiliated White Helmets have a role in Syria and its not saving lives – their role is to whitewash the crimes of the Nusra Front-led armed groups and to manufacture the lies that will inevitably lead to the deaths of more children, the rape of more women, the massacre of more minority sects by the extremist factions they are embedded with.

If the White Helmet lies are successful in enabling further US Coalition military intervention in Syria, we are on the brink of all-out war between the US and Russia with Syria as the battleground. How many more children will die then?

The White Helmets are the US/UK/EU salesmen of death. Please watch carefully:

For further details on the work of the Palestinian Red Crescent during Operation Cast Lead, Gaza 2009, please read independent journalist Eva Bartlett’s articles, here.

Finally, please also listen to French humanitarian, Pierre Le Corf who has lived in Aleppo for the last two years and has borne witness to the crimes committed against the Syrian people by the extremist factions, the White Helmets and the colonial media:




BBC and Guardian Whitewash of UK FCO Funding Scandal in Syria
What to Expect From BBC Panorama and Guardian’s Whitewash of UK Gov’t Funding Terrorists in Syria

White Helmets Evidence Presented at Geneva Press Club:
Vanessa Beeley Presents Exposé on White Helmets at Swiss Press Club in Geneva

‘Global Britain’ – UK Funding a Shadow State in Syria
‘Global Britain’ is Financing Terrorism and Bloodshed in Syria and Calling it ‘Aid’

White Helmets – Hollywood Poster Boys:

WHITE HELMETS: State Sanctioned Terrorism and Hollywood Poster Boys for War

21st Century Wire:
New Report Destroys Fabricated Myth of Syria’s ‘White Helmets’

Initial Investigation into White Helmets:
Who are Syria’s White Helmets?

21st Century Wire article on the White Helmets:  
Syria’s White Helmets: War by Way of Deception ~ the “Moderate” Executioners

Who Funds the White Helmets?
Secret £1bn UK War Chest Used to Fund the White Helmets and Other ‘Initiatives’

Original investigative report:
The REAL Syria Civil Defence Exposes Fake White Helmets as Terrorist-Linked Imposters 

Irish Peace Prize Farce
Tipperary’s White Helmets Peace Prize: A Judas Kiss to the Antiwar Movement and Syria

White Helmets Executions
WHITE HELMETS: Severed Heads of Syrian Arab Army Soldiers Paraded as Trophies

CNN Fabricate News About the White Helmets
A NOBEL LIE: CNN’s Claim That ‘White Helmets Center in Damascus’ Was Hit by a Barrel Bomb

White Helmets Links to Al Nusra
WHITE HELMETS: Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda and Extremist Child Beheaders in Aleppo

Report by Patrick Henningsen
AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

Open Letter by Vanessa Beeley
White Helmets Campaign for War NOT Peace – Retract RLA & Nobel Peace Prize Nominations

Staged Rescue Videos
(VIDEO) White Helmets: Miraculous ‘Rag Doll Rescue’

White Helmets Oscar Award Farce:
Forget Oscar: Give The White Helmets the Leni Riefenstahl Award for Best War Propaganda Film

Cory Morningstar report:
Investigation into the funding sources of the White Helmets, including Avaaz, Purpose, The Syria Campaign

Open letter to Canadian MPs from Stop the War Hamilton (Canada):
Letter from the Hamilton Coalition to Stop War to the New Democratic Party in Canada ref the White Helmet nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize:

Open letter to Canada’s NDP Leader on Nobel Prize:
Letter to NDP from Prof. John Ryan protesting White Helmet nomination for RLA and Nobel Peace Prize.

READ MORE WHITE HELMETS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire White Helmets Files

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files




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