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SYRIA: Eva Bartlett Faces Off with ‘Rebel’ Supporter on Sources and Propaganda

21st Century Wire says…

21WIRE contributor and frequent SUNDAY WIRE guest, Eva Bartlett, squares off in a debate on RT with Dilly Hussian from Islamic website 5PillarsUK on the topic of news sources coming out of Syria and the stark differences in reporting we are hearing from independent journalists and mainstream Western news outlets.

Watch the debate and decide: Who is more trust worthy… The Western media which is being fueled by social media PR campaigns using dubious accounts, ‘reports’ from the propaganda film wing of the Western backed terrorists know as the White Helmets Or the first hand interviews, footage, analysis and reporting in Syria coming from independent journalists like Eva Bartlett.


In the wake of the liberation of eastern Aleppo in Syria, journalists Eva Bartlett, from Canada, and Dilly Hussain, from the UK, clashed in a heated RT debate on the credibility of sources on the ground and the agenda of the media outlets covering the situation in the war-torn state.

Bartlett recently made headlines during a press conference after she accused corporate media of a biased agenda in Syria, labeling a large chunk of its sources as either “not credible” or “compromised.” In particular the journalist, who herself visited Syria, lashed out at the organization of White Helmets, saying they “recycled” pictures of one and the same girl on several occasions. According to Bartlett, the mainstream media effectively reported information which was “opposite” to what actually happened on the ground.

Dilly Hussain challenged her views during the RT debate, claiming Bartlett’s narrative echoed “state propaganda.” Citing local “activists tweeting” on the ground, Hussain for his part stressed that the Russian-backed mission of Syrian also targeted civilians.

Bartlett in return questioned the impartiality of the sources cited by Dilly, saying she herself spoke to doctors in Aleppo and civilians who fled the militant-held areas, who testified that people “were prevented” by terrorists from actually escaping Aleppo.

Here is the full video of the heated verbal exchange:

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