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The drug companies have created a transnational monopoly with connections into government, media, and are now dominating the medical and healthcare industries. They have the power to dictate public health policy, but few are about the counter their influence. With the COVID pandemic and the rush to push out billions of doses of vaccines, their influence is now at an all-time high. Read about the exploits here...

INTERVIEW: Luther – ‘Debunk the Junk (Science)’ – Chasing the Invisible Virus

TNT Radio | Dismantling the ‘scientism’ still plaguing us post-Covid.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Meryl Nass – ‘Weaponization of Vaccine Industry’

TNT Radio | The weaponization of the vaccine industry and how our basic rights were dismantled during the ‘global pandemic’.

INTERVIEW: Mike Ryan, Gemma Cooper & Clive de Carle – On Location at the Better Way Conference UK

TNT Radio | On Location at the Better Way Conference UK.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Dosed – Fentanyl & Opioid Epidemic Plague in America’ (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. 

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – Climate Astroturf Activism + NATO Goes Full Woke

TNT Radio | Don’t look now, but wokery is now trying to get a foothold on the ladder to WWIII.

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | A ground-breaking documentary fim – about people, not politics.

COVID Vaccine Mandates at Health Care and Other Institutions Are Being Struck Down Across US

21WIRE | Now that more people are aware of the government scam, the dominos are falling fast.

INTERVIEW: Luther – ‘Debunk the Junk (Science)’

TNT Radio | Dismantling the ‘scientism’ surrounding junk science from virology and Big Pharma.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Ahmad Malik – Fear Drove Covid Lockdowns and Vaccine Debacle

TNT Radio | During the Covid hysteria, we’ve lost nearly all of our basic principles of medical ethics.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. 

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Uniformed Consent’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Exposing the narrative that’s being used to strip us of our human rights and individual health choices.

INTERVIEW: Miles of Truth – ‘WHO Pandemic Treaty is Step One to Global Government’

TNT Radio | Delving into the WHO’s pandemic treaty and the global governance agenda.

Bribing Doctors: Evidence of ‘COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program’

Courageous Discourse | There were financial incentives everywhere which motivated corrupt doctors and medical professionals to push the dangerous jabs.


SUNDAY SCREENING | Unveiling the shocking truth about modern virology and germ theory.

INTERVIEW: Steve Falconer & Blake Lovewell – ‘Follow the Money’

TNT Radio | Navigating Schwab’s New Normal and the CBDC event horizon.

INTERVIEW: Steve Falconer & Basil Valentine – ‘Viruses & Unicorns’

TNT Radio | The forbidden conversation: germ theory vs. terrain theory.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Viral Delusion’ – Episode 5: Genetic Sequencing a Virus That Isn’t There (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Piers Robinson – ‘The Propaganda Machine – From 9/11 to COVID’

SUNDAY WIRE | The familiar financial and political agendas being pushed for wars and pandemics.

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Viral Delusion – Episode 4: ‘AIDS, The Deadly Deception’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. 

INTERVIEW: Niall McCrae – Don’t Fall For The ‘Lab Leak’ Trap

TNT Radio | The Wuhan lab leak – a perfect trap orchestrated by psychopathic geniuses.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue